Chapter 1

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"I'm old enough to breed, I'm old enough to bleed, I'm old enough to crack a brick between your teeth while you sleep"

She hummed to herself as she wandered down the misty street. It was a wreck, piles of moulding food and rubbish decorated the rundown, vile excuse for a town. The houses painted with years worth of bird waste. It reeked. But she didn't care. She carried on sauntering along, her gun swinging by her side. It was her favourite gun. The most powerful one she owned. Power. It was her favourite thing. She loved it. Seeing the scared faces peeking through the windows. Knowing that she was in complete control over them. Who would it be today?

They all hated to love her. Every single one of the people in her district. They didn't want to hear that knock on the door that signalled the oncoming death of one of the houses inhabitants. Yet they also wished it would happen. Wished that they would be chosen by the great Iris herself. They were all terrified when they heard the tap of her heeled boots as she routinely danced her way through the waste of many cramped humans. Yet they all peeked through the curtains at the absolute perfection that was their leader.

It was like a scene from an old cowboy movie. Except that this wasn't some generic rubbish created for ten year old boys to get excited over. This was real. In 3013 this was life. The well structured regime was created a thousand years ago. Only to be put into practice at this day and age. The world was getting overpopulated. The world now consisted of many different districts, each ruled by one powerful being. The districts used to be called countries. Before they decided to make everything more professional. Everything was more precise now. They wouldn't stand for the sloppy work of the old ages. Back then they didn't care about preserving life. They kept to a scatty system which was precisely why the new regime was created.

Every day, a human from each district was killed. Each leader chose a different way. Varying from torture to public hangings. The town in which the killing would take place would change weekly. Though it seemed the poorer towns had more of the murders than any other. This systematic method of keeping down the population was working well along with birth control. People were only allowed a certain amount of offspring. Depending on their health, their job, the amount of money they owned. Most poor families were allowed only one child. The richer ones allowed three or four. It depended on your leader. Depended on how harsh they were.

The leaders were viewed as Gods. They controlled life and death. Health and Illness. Love and Hate. The district Mourira was one of the most famous. The only district with a female leader. People doubted her at first. But soon they were succumbed to her charm and brutal force. They couldn't help but fall for her. They were cast under a sinister spell. Forever controlled by her tricks and mind games.

This was a poor village. You could tell by the revolting waste and homeless animals that crowded the streets. The difference between rich and poor was easily distinguishable, rich towns were well made. High quality living. Poor towns were scrap heaps. Full of the junk that wasn't needed. A junkyard of uneeded humans. In every district they tried to demolish the number of dirty humans in the poor towns. Iris was no different. Her looks and mannerisms could fool any shallow fool. She treated the poor, unwanted excuses for humans like pieces of dirt. Because to her they all were. They were too far beneath her. She didn't care for any of their sob stories. She would kill anything that could breath if it meant she would gain something.

They all loved her, they never admitted it though. She scared them. She excited them. She attracted them. She was the most famous of all the leaders. The most ruthless, yet the most beloved by her subjects.

Wind whipped down the street. Sending her immense red hair into flicking tongues, roaring like a deadly unstoppable fire. Her white skin glowed with beauty as she nimbly moved her way through the wreckage, a goddess ready for battle. Sparks seemed to fly in her blood red eyes. Mysterious and haunting, sparkling with delight as she searched for her next victim. Her perfect lips curled up into a smile as she decided. She stopped, the world went silent. No breathing, no movement. She silently manoeuvred her way to the door. Reaching out with a gun, she knocked lightly on the frame. Every noise she made was quiet. But everyone could hear because of the silence they held. Like a deadly force. A mutual respect for her.

It creaked open. There stood a young man, he looked paralysed with fear. His face drained of all colour. A look of fear entered into his green eyes. She smiled and leaned in, whispering into his ear. Her silky voice winding it's way into his head.

"I choose you..."

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