Chapter 10

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It had been three weeks since the first fight. There had been two others, both just as interesting. With bloodthirsty family members to scared ones.

She was perched on the desk in her office. Wearing a tight black dress and black heels. Her hair up in a messy bun. She was waiting, this was a crucial part of their plan. She needed permission for this, she had to charm her way through the situation.

The head leader walked in. He smiled coyly at her, she tried her best not to glare. Flashing a winning smile, she hopped off the desk and walked over to great him. Shaking his hand and offering him any beverages or food. He shook his head politely and she resisted the urge to pull it off his shoulders.

"So, why did you call me here today?" He obviously wasn't wishing to stay for long as he jumped straight to the point. Good, she thought, she didn't want hi, here anyway. He disgusted her. Right on cue, Edward walked into the office. Wrapping his arms around Iris' waist, he smiled at the head leader.

"Well, as you know. Me and Iris have been dating for a month or so now. We both know this isn't very long. But we also both know that we are in love. I wish to marry her as soon as possible. Though we thought it would be much more sensitive to ask you for permission." The lies spun out of his mouth, she was proud. Every single word he said sounded true.

"I am flattered that you have decided to clarify with me first, you obviously take great pride in our world." She grinned, he seemed to have bought it.

"I am hoping that the answer to this is yes, I just love Edward so much. He's my everything." She smiled sweetly, playing with Edwards fringe. She had said the right thing. He smiled happily at them.

"We need some more love in this world, of course I'm going to say yes," yet again she forced herself to smile. As he walked to the lift and disappeared out of sight, the smile slipped off her face like melted butter.

"We need more love," she said in a mocking voice. Edward laughed at her, she pretended to make herself sick. Being childish, just like him. Love, who needs love. Not the perfect being. She doesn't need to love people. She needs people to love her.

He wrapped his arms round her and pushed her up against the wall. She couldn't stop herself from giggling like a little girl. 

"My love..." He whispered sarcastically into her ear. He licked the side of her face and walked off.  

"Thanks for that Edward," she wiped the side of her face and straightened her dress. Now was the time to stop messing about. They had work to do.

The first thing was completed. Wedding plans had to be made.

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