Chapter 6

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Her eyes fluttered and she woke up. Her gaze searched around the room before she sat up. Her room was what every young girl could wish for. An elegant four post bed made from drift wood stole most of the attention. Giant glass doors opened out to a decking. A path from the decking went down to her cove. Her room was filled with mirrors, a white doorway lead into her walk in wardrobe.

She looked over and noticed Edward Taylor lying asleep next to her. She smiled to herself. He looked so peaceful in sleep. So different to the mindless killing machine he was when he was awake. She had always found him attractive. He was handsome, powerful. He had the same view towards his subjects as she did towards hers.

Now she had finally got him. Her charm had reeled him in like a fish on a hook. She had known this time was coming. He caught him catching quick glances at her at meetings, talking to her as they walked to the planes. She was pleased with herself. If people found out about their little meeting it would make world headlines. Even better, if she could keep him. The possibilities were endless, if she stayed with him they could do great things for this world.

She nimbly climbed out of the bed. She looked at herself in one of her many mirrors, admiring her curvaceous form. She walked over to a hanger and pulled off a thin green, silk dressing gown. She slipped it on and tied it loosely. Pushing the glass door open, she stepped out into the warm air. The sun was just starting to rise, an orange haze blew over the horizon. The sea glittered mysteriously as each wave dragged in more rocks and shells to embellish its shores.

She looked fondly up at her house. On top of the cliff was the huge mansion full of exquisite rooms and expensive furniture. Yet unknown to most people was the passage from her house that led down through the cliff to this beautiful wooden cabin. It had four rooms, the bedroom, walk in wardrobe, kitchen and small living room. It was a peaceful place and not many people had seen it.

She made her way up the wooden steps that led to her cliff side balcony. It was a little wooden ledge with a rail where she could overlook the beach ad the magnificent ocean. It was a warm evening. The air was calm and the steady noise of the waves gliding and thrusting there way up the shore gave a atmosphere of tranquility. She leant on the wooden rail and drank in everything she had achieved so far. An amazing home, a district to rule over, power over millions of people. This is what she had dreamt about her whole life. This is what was meant to happen. This is why she had killed them.

Her thoughts were interrupted by two arms wrapping gently around her waist. She felt his breath on her neck. She sighed and rested her hands in his arms.

"You wake early," he breathed into her neck. She smiled to herself. And replied smoothly.

"I sometimes wake up before sunrise, it's a beautiful natural creation." She smiled and turned round, so she was giving him.

"Not as beautiful and natural as you," he whispered, stroking his fingers down the side of her face. She shivered at his touch. Staring into his grey eyes, from this distance she notices little flecks of blue sparked in his eyes. Like the ocean on a cool evening. He was wearing only some white shorts. His chest was hard and muscly, yet his frame was still skinny. His blonde hair flopped into his eyes slightly, his face looked as though sculpted by an artist.

"Mind if you have some company?" He asked, flashing a breathtaking smile.

"Well as it's you I definitely don't mind." She whispered back, leaning in and brushing her fierce red flames out of her face. Their lips touched.

"We can control this world together," he murmured against her lips. She threw her arms round his neck and kissed him passionately.

Neither of them noticed the sunrise, they were to busy making history that would never be forgotten.

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