1. Bell

968 120 166

The poster was unassuming, an announcement in simple block letters, framed by generic images of flags and bullhorns. Next to the colorful posters advertising exciting club activities, it seemed neither interesting nor important. None of the students walking by seemed to bother giving it a glance, except Ailysia Maynard.

Ailysia was a fifteen-year-old black girl. She had a gentle face, with deep-set brown eyes, a long nose, and soft, full lips. But beauty wasn't the first thing people usually noticed about her – it was how tall she was. At five feet eleven and still growing, she towered over most of her friends. Many people had assumed that she was an athlete based on her stature, but she had no interest in athletic competition. The content of the poster, on the other hand, immediately caught her attention.

    Upcoming Student Government Election

    Positions open: President, Vice president, Treasurer, Communication Officer, Programming   Coordinator, Recording Clerk.

    Prospective candidates, please see Election Clerk Jennifer Beal to register.

As she read, her breath quickened with excitement. For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to run – and even win. She would give a speech in front of the entire school, outlying her plans to improve student life, promote learning, and bring the community together. Her ideas would be received enthusiastically, and she would actually have the power to realize them.

Then she sighed, withdrawing back to reality. As if that would ever happen! She was only a sophomore, with a handful of friends. Most students in the school didn't know her name, and would not care what she had to say. A high school election, as she understood it, was more like a popularity contest. If people didn't already like you, they wouldn't suddenly like your message.

She heard footsteps and loud voices behind her. A group of girls were walking down the hallway, laughing loudly and pushing each other. One of them bumped into Ailysia, forcing her to stumble forward. Ailysia spun around, scowling, but the girl who bumped her didn't stop to apologize or even look at her.

"Hey!" Ailysia called out, and almost regretted it the instant she said it.

The girl looked back, seeing Ailysia for the first time, and froze, a flash of fear passing over her eyes. Ailysia knew that look; she hated that look. It was the same look people usually gave her, surreptitiously, when they complimented her on being so tall.

Ailysia was familiar with the effect her appearance could have on people. She wore her long hair in box braids, pulled into a high ponytail. She liked this style very much, but to some people it was too confident, too bold. When she got upset, people assumed she would lash out, so she rarely showed her anger. Even when she laughed, she was conscious of her own volume, because in the wrong company her laugh would be considered too loud, too annoying. No one ever said straight out what they were thinking – that she intimidated them – but the fear was there, hiding under a veneer of politeness.

The girl immediately apologized. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there."

"That's okay. Don't worry about it." Ailysia said, with a calm, even tone, eager to send the girl away.

After the group of girls left, Ailysia turned back to the poster. But her enthusiasm had evaporated, and the prospect of her running for office seemed even more laughable than before. She was about to leave, when a flash of pink entered her peripheral vision.

There was a rush of footsteps and a booming voice, pitched in joy. "Ailysia! Guess what, I finally finished it!"

The familiar voice lifted Ailysia's spirit, making her lips quirk into a smile. She turned around to see her best friend, Misty Pham. Misty was a slight girl, who made up for it by having the biggest voice in the room. She was dressed in her signature style: pale-yellow camisole, green plaited skirt, and a cropped motorcycle jacket decorated with many patches. A pair of thick-framed glasses, and of course her hot-pink bangs, completed the look.

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