A National Reader FanFic (Not but sort of)

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I hadn't seen her in five weeks, since her family moved, but she was coming over for Christmas, which I guess was nice, though I had a bit of a problem with it, that only problem being was that I lived in New York State, she was in Arizona, and she invited herself over. Her plane was going to land in half an hour and I sat at the airport exit waiting. The news was on, something about a double homicide in Arizona, but I couldn't really hear over the crowds of people. They didn't put up any pictures, and I wondered why, then hopped on my phone for the remained of time. The news, most of time it's a waste of time!

Suddenly my phone exploded with practically five hundred texts and three separate calls, not to mention ten Face Time invites. All from Eden. Here we go...

"Nathan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed charged at me. "Natey-boo baby, I missed you!" Her arms flashed around my shoulders and crushed my ribs with expert force even with her thin arms. It was like she calculated exactly how much pressure it would take to crack them, and then backed off a smidge.

"How have you been?!" She asked with wonder, staring directly at me with those big blue eyes. eyes. For once I remembered a good memory of her, not the others. Her dirty blond hair fell to the base of her shoulder blades. She hadn't changed it a bit. Her freckles spotted her face, cute little drops of color decorating her skin. I tried to count them once, and that was the second good memory I had. Problem was, I never got a number there were so many.

"You grew," I said with a bit of shock. It was to be expected, she left just at the beginning of eighth grade, and it had been a few months. A girl Eden's age should be spurting up. I had grown a bit, too, but we were both late bloomers, or so it seemed. She had been my height when we dated last year, and I had grown a couple inches.

"I've missed you, Nattie-boo!" She gasped and crushed my tighter yet.

"I missed you too," I gasped. It was the only way to get her off.

"Come on, let's find your parents and go home!" She finally let me breathe again, but then decided to cut off my circulation to my right hand as she dragged me out the automatic door.

"How did you get your parents to let you go?" I asked as she sped through the threshold and to my parents car that was parked nearby.

"Oh, I convinced them eventually," she said with a secretive flashing smile. "Let's get into the car!"

"Alright, let's go," I muttered.

Mom wasn't to happy seeing Eden again, having actually broken off our relationship in the spring of 7th grade. But she didn't have a choice, Eden made sure she was staying, and it wasn't like we could just leave her in the airport with no place to stay. Mom just turned on the radio and let us watch the sights go by. Eden practically sat in my lap the entire way, her suitcase taking up two seats.

"I have missed you! I didn't see you all summer? How have you been? Did you miss me? Are you excited for Christmas? I got you a couple things. They're really special. You have no idea how hard it was to get them! I really hope you like them! OH and now I'll never have to leave and I can stay and live with you and we will never be apart and-" that was literally the entire hour long car ride.

"So, Eden," my mom asked tentatively in rare moment of silence. "How did you convince your parents to let you come over?"

"Oh, I made sure they couldn't fight back," she said with a suggestive wink. "And now they can't bring me back." She nuzzled into my shoulder, and I tried to lean away only to find myself pressed fully up against the door. The cold window from the even colder air had managed to grow warm.

"Eden, can you move over a bit?" I asked feeling extremely squished.

"What?" she suddenly growled and leaned up to stare me down. "You are not going anywhere, and neither am I. You are my boyfriend and I love you and I won't let you go, even if I have to kill you to do that." Then she laughed. "I'm just kidding!" She grabbed my arm and squished me further into the window. "You know I would never hurt you, right, Natie-boo?" I looked away and tried to get farther, but it was impossible. "Look at me Nathaniel," she ordered sternly, so I looked, afraid despite her promises of love and peace.

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