My Dark Lord

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Angband had been smellier and louder since the company retreat. But I suppose it was nice, because Melkor was there. He was busy, despite everyone not doing to much other than training. There had been reports of Hurin shouting into the mountains calling for Turgon and Gondolin and The Dark King was obsessed.

"Morgoth Bauglir," an orc called from the door. I was leaning on a pillar wearing casual robes and ducked out of sight the moment I heard the swishing armor and crashing metal boots. 

"Enter," Melkor growled. His long hair drifted over his face and shadowed the map he was pouring over. The orc walked in, making the room smell worse. The incense sticks could hardly be smelt over the reek of the creature that stood by the doorway. 

"My Lord, we have a prisoner," the thing said with a nasal sneer.

"Who is it?" Morgoth muttered, still searching the empty parts of the map, the uncharted mountains. 

"Maeglin, sister-son of Turgon, lord of Gondolin," it relayed, "sire."

Melkor rose, thrusting his chair from behind him. His robes swished darkly, but there was a light joy that filled his face. Though I was still hiding and couldn't see his face I could feel the shift in the room, the feel of gaining the upper hand, the feeling of winning, and of primal and dark joy; it all rose out of the tension and filled to room. 

"Take me to him," he ordered, then glanced at the pillar I was slowly peaking out from behind.

"Actually, give me a minute," he said. "Wait outside for a second."

The creature shuffled and left the room.

"Well, Sauron, he's gone," Melkor chuckled. "No one other than me to see you wearing something other than armor for once." I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, then stepped out from behind the pillar. My robes swished around my legs, and ankles, nearly tripping me. 

"Why did you hide behind the pillar anyway?" he asked, grabbing my arm to help me balance. His fingers and hand were strong, the muscles bulking so well. 

"I'm not letting orcs see me casual!" I gasped looking into Melkor's eyes. They were a deep rich brown with flakes of red cutting out from the black pupil core. They sat shadowed under a strong brow bone that held remarkably thin yet dark eyebrows. "I'm not as un-self conscious as you, Melkor." He chuckled a bit, his voice deep and rumbled.

"Well, I guess that's always been true, Sau," he said with a smile. "Come on, if you walk with me and see this kid will you be alright not putting on layers of literal and proverbial armor?"

I sighed, "Fine, I guess I will." Melkor smiled lightly and we walked out of the room into the dark hall. 


"I like that kid," Melkor said with a smile. "I mean, I hate how weak and stupid he is, but it's so useful! He's already given in, and all we have to do is not kill him, his girl, or kill Tuor before he does! And he gave up everything!" Melkor was in a good mood for once, the kindest and most peaceful in months. We lay together on the couch, my face up against his chest as his fingers ran through my hair. 

"Now all we have to do is raise a large enough army, which could take years!" He groaned and threw his head back over the armrest his neck was up against. 

"Well," I sighed, nuzzling closer, "that gives us a lot of time of not worrying about having to do anything, and we just keep an eye on Gondolin. We'll wait until the best time to attack, and it will turn out great."

"I guess you're right," he replied with another sigh. "I'm so lucky you're with me." I twisted my face up and looked in his godly eyes. 

"You're lucky?" I asked with a smile. "You're the literal god. I'm just a mortal little Maiar. I'm lucky that you actually care about me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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