Coming Home

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Bella POV

  Its a week since I had Elizabeth and Im going home today Niall stayed most of the time besides the time when he had to go to work or when I made him go home and take a shower. The boys have been in and out of the hospital and the girls come in for an hour everyday which Im thankful for but I just wanna get out of here this place creeps me out.

  Niall POV

  The boys didnt let me sleep in my house for a week and didnt tell me why. Im scared thinking it was infested with something or they burned the inside but Im bringing Bella and Elizabeth home today so we will find out

   Bella POV

    Niall picked me up but didnt let me do anything he instructed me to sit and wait while he strapped in Elizabeth which I did so. When we got to the house the boys were standing by the front door waiting for us 

 "Hello?" I said 

 "We have a surprise for you" Harry said beaming 

 "OK?" Niall said 

 "Wait is that why you didnt want me in here this whole week?" 

 "Yups lets move it in there" Louis said pointing to the house

 Niall unlocked the door and we walked into the living room but Niall was holding Elizabeth so since he went straight to the kitchen she was set on the counter top.

  "Ok so since you never had time to do the baby room we thought we would do it for you" Louis said 

 ''We?....Louis you bossed us and the workers around the whole time" Zayn said 

 "Well if it wasn't for my bossiness then the room would have never been finished in time'' he said modestly

 "Ok could we just see the room?" Niall asked walking in from the kitchen bouncing Elizabeth in his arms

 "Sure right this way" Liam said leading us to the baby room


 Sorry for such a short chapter thought I could update just alittle 


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