Bye Bye Alexis

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Alexis POV

"Alright.....ok....yeah....uh you too" I said

"Flight 357 to London is now Boarding"

I walked over have my ticket and boarded

Niall POV

I woke up and saw Bella's sleeping face. I looked over at my phone and saw it was 6:27

Ugh! To early

I decided to get up and make breakfast. While I was walking through the hall I decided to quickly check on Lizzy, who was wide awake playing with her toes and fingers

I took her from her crib and brought her downstairs with me. I set her in her pack n play and started on making breakfast which included bacon, toast,eggs and pancakes. When i was done I heard a knock on the door when I opened it I didn't expect to see


Her we were bloodshot red and she had a tear stained face

"Hi Niall is Bella up?"

"Uh....let me check" I said leading her in "Just watch Lizzy" I said and she nodded

I walked upstairs into our room and saw Bella still sleeping I walked over an slightly shook her

"Babe You gotta wake up" I whispered in her ear

"Why" she groaned

"Alexis is here" after I said that her eyes shot open

"Be down in a minute" she said and walked into the bathroom

I walked back down and saw Alexis talking to Lizzy. I walked in and said

"Bella will be down in a minute" I said

"Thanks and Im sorry I'm disturbing your breakfast" She said

"It's fine" I said

Bella POV

I walked downstairs and saw Niall and Alexis talking. I walked in and got a better look at Alexis she looked....broken

"Hi Bella" she said

"Alexis I missed you why you back so soon?" I asked giving her a warm hug

"I needed to talk to you and Im going back soon" She said

"Lets talk in my office" I said motioning her to come


"Yes Niall?" I asked

"That's the kitchen" he said with a smirk

"Your point?" I asked

He just shrugged and went to Lizzy while we walked into the kitchen

"Alexis what happened?"

"They promise" she whispered

"Everything will be okay" I said rubbing her back

"Bella I heard something's I wish I hadn't"

"Like what?"

"My dad was yelling at my mom and he said he wish he never got married and had kids then they were blaming eachother about Jordan's death" she said full on sobbing

"Alexis Im so sorry" I said hugging her

"It's fine I just came to say goodbye and get my things I'm going to live back with my mom for a while" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Totally" She said

"Alright well I have to go my flight is soon and I have to talk to Harry" she said

"Alright but If you ever need anything or wanna talk I'm always here" I said

"Alright Thanks Bye" she said hugging me and leaving

I walked into the living room and saw Niall sitting criss cross I front of Lizzys's pack n play.

"Bella are you okay?'' Niall asked

I shook my head "no" he got up walked over and gave me a hug

"I wish I could help her" I said

"You can" Niall said

"How?" I asked

"Just being there for her"

"How?" I asked again

Just listening and letting her know your here for her" he said

I nodded then my stomach made a horrifying noise

"I'm hungry" I whined

"I can see" Niall said then laughed

"I made breakfast in the kitchen go eat" I said she pecked my lips and squealed running into the kitchen

Zayn POV

"Anyone home" A girly voice shouted

Wait that sounded like

"ALEXIS" Harry shouted

"Hi Harry" she said

"I missed you so much" she said hugging him

"Missed you too" he mumbled

She let go and looked at him, closed her eyes and said

"I have to go home for a while" she said

"Oh" was all Harry said and I walked out thinking they needed their privacy.

"Boys lets go Paul is waiting for us there" Liam shouted

"And Louis made breakfast..surprisingly" Liam said

"Wow Lou nice work it taste good" I said patting his shoulder

"How did you make this?" Harry asked

"The oven because Liam didn't let me use the fire" Louis said

We were at the studio when Niall walked in eating bacon and shirtless

"Niall" Harry exclaimed

"What?" He asked innocently

"Shirtless eating bacon?" Liam asked

"Fine" he huffed putting his shirt I've this head

*3 Hours Later*

We were fooling around when Liam got a call we were only hear half the conversation

"Hello.......Yeah....Oh My Goodness.....Alright thank you" Liam said then hung up

Niall POV

After Liam got the phone call he said we had to leave. We piled into the car and drove to the house the whole way the car was silent until we arrived that's when everyone let out a gasp.

A/N: What happened? Can you guess?

Please leave me some feedback and I'm not updating until I get another 5 votes and I know you can do it!!! :)





Hanna :)

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