You monster!

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Naruto was just like any other 13 year old boy, well not really because everyone hated him, especially his so called friends shikamari, choji, Kiba etc. Only a couple actually liked him and payed attention to him, they were  kakashi hatake and hokage-sama, also known as ji-san. Oh! And his parents are alive and he has a twin sister, his twin sister is trained by his parents to control the kurama(kyuubi) inside naruto, and naruto is ignored by his parents because of this. Ok well I'm going to start the story now, cause that was just the introduction, so yeah to the story!

You monster!

Naruto walked along the path back to konaha(the village hidden in the leaf). He walked into the village where everyone oh so hated him. He knew why people hate him, before he entered the gates he pulled on his Anbu mask he was known as kitsune of konaha. He smiled to himself as he knew no one would recognize him because they never did especially since he let his hair grow out, he walked through the streets of konaha greeting the gate keepers, who just woke up from their nap.
"Oh kitsune-sama, your back!" One of them said, he looked at naruto with a pie stunning look.
"I finished early" naruto said answering the mans in mind question. They nodded and went back to-wait what the hell are they doing? Ok never mind, who cares I have a story to write, I don't have time to pay attention to what gate keepers are doing. Back to the story!
Naruto flash stepped to the hokage's office, he turned in his mission paper and set off to find kakashi. He stopped at the academy where kakashi said he would be to help him with his group.


I walked slowly to the academy when s black cat crossed my path, concerned for the poor animal I moved the cat off of the road. I looked down at my watch, I'm already 15 minutes late, I shrug and make my way to the academy.
As I walked I could hear small footsteps running from the door, and from that I knew that Mika, naruto's twin sister, had set a trap for me. I decided to walk into the classroom despite my knowing that something was going to fall on my head, as I suspected the chalk brush fell on my head I looked at mika who was grinning wildly.


I grinned wildly as our new sensei walked into my trap, Sakura jumped up and screamed at him for being late, he shrugged and looked us.
"My first impression on you" he paused creating a dramatic effect "I hate you all" he told us to meet him on the roof, with a poof of smoke he left us to meet with him.

I sighed and walked up the stairs to meet him.

~time skip~

I sat on the steps looking at our new sensei, he looked back at us just as a boy about our age jumped onto the railing, he was dressed in Anbu attire. Who is he? I asked myself, I couldn't tell who he was because he had his mask on, but he seemed very familiar.

Sensei started to talk so I put his attention to him.


I looked at kakashi's new team, most of them looked weak so they will a whole of fun to train I guess.
"So let's start with introductions" kakashi started.
"What do you mean sensei?" Pinkie asked, her team-mates groaned at her stupidity.
"You know the basics, your name, likes dislikes, and your dreams for the future" kakashi finished, duck butt grunted at this but didn't say anything.
"Why don't you go first sensei" pinkie insisted.
"Ok, well my name is kakashi hatake, I like a lot of stuff, I don't dislike a lot and my dreams for the future, haven't really thought about it"everyone except duck-butt sweat-dropped and thought all we learned was his name. I rolled my eyes, knowing that they'd ask about me.
"Okay, pinkie you first" kakashi said, her eye twitched as duck-butt smiled slightly. I laughed a little trying not to be heard by the girl, but it didn't go unnoticed. She sighed and started her introduction, she looked to kakashi once more and began.
"My name is Sakura haruno, I like *looks at sasuke* *squeals*, my dislikes are Ino-pig and mika-Baka! My dream for the future*squeals while looking at sasuke*" I roll my eyes knowing that this girl was not going to give up her fangirling days so quickly. Kakashi looked to duck-butt now known as sasuke, he smiled and and looked at me I laughed a little.
"Ok duck-butt your turn" kakashi laughed, Sakura's face began to redden with anger, the blonde girl couldn't stop laughing, and duck-butt's face looked calm but started to redden as well.
"My name is sasuke uchiha, I don't have many likes, and I have lots of dislikes *glares at Sakura who doesn't even notice* and my my goal which will become a reality, I will kill a certain someone" kakashi and I sweat-dropped, great we have a avenger and a fangirl what could go wrong with the lady one.
"Blondie you next" she smiles and stood up.
"My name is mika namikaze-uzimaki, my likes are ramen and my big brother" I roll my eyes at that "my dislikes are Sakura and people who hurt my friends and family, my dream is to become hokage, believe it!" I sigh, ok so she doesn't seem so bad, I mean I don't like her much but she has potential.
"You!" Mika pointed to me.
"Introduce yourself!" She yelled, I shook my head silently.
"It's only fair, they introduced themselves, why don't you do the same" kakashi insisted, I sighed heavily and started my introduction.
"My anbu name is kitsune, I have few likes and a lot of dislikes, I don't have much for dreams in the future but I do wish to become captain of an Anbu squad" I stopped not wanting to give out anymore information about myself. Mika looked at suspiciously, clearly wanting more information but didn't push for more.
"Ok now that that's over you had a test tomorrow" kakashi broke the silence.
"What? But we already got a test we're genin now" I sighed from pinkies stupidity.
"That was only a test to see if you were good enough for a test set for a genin, this test is to see if your really ninja material" kakashi explained, they nodded understanding.
"Oh and don't eat or you'll puke" I said smiling under my mask, duck-butt scoffed, so he thinks this will be easy? Ha! That's hilarious!

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