The bell test

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I got up from bed and got some breakfast ready for the test today, Mika came down the stairs not getting any breakfast and sat down.
I snorted "not having any breakfast today Mika?" I asked, she glared at me and sighed not answering me. I starts laughing, Mika looked at me confused.
"What are you laughing and naruto-nii" I shook my head,waving my hand as if to say 'don't worry about it' while trying to breath.
I stopped laughing and looked at the clock.
"Your going to be late Mika" I reminded her, she looked up slowly her eyes widening.
"Ah crap! I'm going to be late!" She yelled racing to the bathroom and started the shower, I'm surprised fourth hokage and lady kushina stayed asleep, but they never really notice anything I do accept for Mika.
I sighed slowly walking up the stairs to get ready for the day.


I walked out of the bathroom just in time to hear the front door close, mom and dad are still asleep but naruto-nii was up so maybe it was him but what does he have in the morning? I shrugged it off, saying that it was better to get ready for training day than to pay much attention to my brother. I raced upstairs to get changed, waking my parents in the process.
"What's wrong sweetie?" Mom yelled from her room.
"I'm going to be late for a test!" I yelled back, I heard a gasp and scrambling to get up, she probably realized how late she slept in for.
"Do you need anything to eat honey?!" She asked, I shook my head as she ran downstairs, for I was already dressed.
  I grabbed my ninja gear and ran outside, trying to get to the meeting spot as fast as I could, it was a race against time.


I got there a little earlier than I had expected, but I guess I still got there. I looked around, the only person there was duck-butt AKA sasuke uchiha, I sighed, I guess I was early considering not even Sakura was here and apparently she's never late for anything. 7:00 hit and so the yelling began, Sakura just came and she's yelling about kakashi not being there, but as soon as she sees sasuke and I, her eyes turn into hearts which is not a good sign. I try to ignore her scream of happiness but my ears are too sensitive, I wince at her screeching voice as kakashi appeared on the training ground.
"You know one of these days your going to break my eardrums" I sighed rubbing my ears, Sakura looked at me pouting.
"Sorry fox" she says quietly.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Mika ran up to us, looked at kakashi and sighed.
"And I'm  late" Mika sighed as Sakura growled at her while I nodded agreeing with mika. Kakashi smiled a devilish smile.
"It's time to start the bell test" kakashi said evilly, pulling out the two bells. Sakura raised her hand
"um sensei what is the bell test, didn't we already do a test" I face palmed at her stupidity, but nonetheless answered her question.
"It's a test to qualify you as a genuine genin" everyone sighed 'not another genin test'
"But we already are genin why do we need to take another test?" I rubbed my eyes in frustration.
"Ok listen, that other genin test, was just to see if you were qualified to even try as a genin, this test will help you really decide if you want to be a ninja"
"This will be easy" sasuke scoffed, before smirking at mika and Sakura.
I laughed 'man was he going to be so wrong'

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