726: See You Soon

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"You have to stay safe." I cried between quick kisses and sobs. Three whole years we were going to be separated. yes I have gone through this before, but some how it never got easier, only harder. "Please if not for me, do it for Victoria. Please, Please be safe i love you too much to lose you." I was crying now, tears streaming down my face. I looked around at all the other couples. The men holding their wives or girlfriends. The women crying uncontrollably. i smiled slightly.

"How did i get stuck in the women's position?" i asked teasingly. Alex bent down so his mouth was right next to my ear, his hot breath sent chills down my spine.

"Because you dont have a dangerous bone in your body. You couldn't hurt a fly." He laughed. Man I loved his laugh. and his smile. He had braces when he was 13 so he had perfect teeth. His light brown hair, now cut to buzz short, always made his blue eyes shine as well. He looked absolutely perfect. This whole military thing sucked. I didn't like that i had to wait Three years to see him again. Once in the middle when he gets to come home for three days. My smile faded back into the sad frown of having to leave a loved one. 

He wrapped his arms around me once again. He rested his Chin on the top of my head, He was roughly a foot taller than i am. i laid my head on his chest. He still had on the cologne i had bought him 7 months ago for Christmas, the same cologne i had refused to let him take because i needed something to tangibly grasp and scent worked pretty well. my head rested on his chest. Rock hard from army drills. 

Tears filled in my eyes and began to soak into his go army shirt. The whistle blew signaling the bus was about to leave. Meaning that I know had 727 more days to go with out him. This was his last tour and he would be pu ton inactive duty. "Count down the days untill im home. No matter what the number will get smaller and smaller until there are no more numbers left to count. Soon i will be back with you. I love you Jason with all my heart don't ever forget that." he said looking into my eyes, i knew he meant every word, but that didn't make it any easier to hear. In the end it still meant he was leaving. Alex knelt don't to one knee beside me. Victoria our five year old daughter ran to her father. I was her biological father, through surrogacy. Micheal our ten year old son was biologicaly Alexs. My sister Cathren stood off to the side with micheal. It was never easy for him, nor me. We think Victoria gets through it because she dosnt fully grasp what is happening. Vicotria got done saying by to daddy, who to her was about to go on a vacation. Now it was Micheals time to say good bye, He abandond all hopes of pullin gthe tough guy act. tears streaming down his face he ran into his fathers arms. 

"Daddy, please dont go. i cant lose you." He said between heavy sobs. He clung to his father tighter. 

"I will buddy, i will. Now i need you to take care of your dad while im gonw, can you do that?" I watched from the side as father and son said their good-byes. Well Alex didnt like it when people said good-bye to him but rather 'see you soon' he says good-bye implies not seeing the person again, See you soon implies reuniting it had a twang of hope to it. I smiled. He embraced Micheal one last time and walked back towards me. He kissed me softly on the lips. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. 

"See you soon Army man." I kissed him on the lips lingering wanting to remember the feeling. He backed away smiling at me. 

"I love you more than you will ever know." He kissed me one last time before reaching down and grabbing his bags. he smiled one last time and walked to the bus. i stepped back so i was next to Cathren. we all waved one last time before he stepped onto the bus. Micheal came over next to me, burying his face into my side, weeping. I can understand how sad he was. Alex and I Have been together for seven years. Not married. I always wanted to be married, i loved him more than anything, but he never made a move. The buses holding the soldiers started off, their seven hour long journey to the airport base where they would be traveling to Iraq. 

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