Three Strikes You're Out! (Werewolf/ Shifter Version)

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three strikes your out (werewolf)

Three Strikes, Your Out!

••17 year old Jay Shimms is the star baseball player on her schools baseball team. yes, not only is Jay a girl, but shes a girl who you wouldnt want to mess with because when you have a bunch of giant muscley baseball players who treat you like family and and super protective older brother, you may not look the same after they get done with you. she may seem tough on the outside but little do people know what actually goes on at home. after her mother died 9 years ago, Jay's father became and alcoholic and began beating and abusing her and her brother until her brother stood up to him, causing her dad to leave her brother alone. now Jay is in danger at home unless she has her brother or giant dog by her side to protect her from her fathers abusive actions. there are few occasions, but there are still those times where she ends up with giant baggy sweatshirts on to cover the bruises and marks on her skin. what happens when a certain bad boy starts to take a sudden interest in her? will she accept these feelings or will she run??••

{Jays POV}

it was the last inning of the game, the bases were loaded and i was up to bat. as i grab the wooden bat and walk up to the base i look out into the audience searching for the familiar faces of my friends and family. scratch that, looking for my friends because most of my family could care less about me, my older brother being the only one who actually gives a rip, and what i do even if i was the star baseball player of Virginia High. yes, i just said star baseball player, im a girl on the boys baseball team (even though thats the only one we have), i play baseball and im considered one of the guys most of the time. back to the game... the umpire is standing behind me asking if im ready, i reply with a nod as i wiggle my fingers around the neck of the bat loosening my grip because its common sense that you dont hold the bat with a tight grip. within seconds the pitcher pitches the ball and CRACK! the bat and the ball collide just how i wanted them to and the ball goes flying across the field. ditching the bat i run the bases making it to home plate along with all the others just as the ball was being thrown back. the crowd and my team go crazy screaming and cheering. next thing i know im being picked up off the ground and placed on my teammates shoulders while cheering and jumping. we've just one the game against the Northern Bears of Vermont High, one of the best high school teams out there.

---NEXT DAY---

i wake up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring toby keith. i quickly try and climb out of bed, doing it not so gracefully, and end up falling on my stomach onto my floor. great way to start my morning, still sore and tired from yesterdays game and here i go and make it worse. even though its starting out crappy i still have this feeling that something good may happen today. i jerk my pillow from the bed and cover my head as i hear footsteps coming down the hall towards my room. ready to scream and apologize while bracing myself for the abuse to start, i sink into my carpet and pray its just my brother coming to make sure im alright and not my dad. just as i was about to scream out for my brother Zack to come help, i feel a wet tongue lick my face and relax slightly knowing its only my gianormous boxer, Driver. i pat his head and look up into his worried eyes as i get up to stand.

"hey boy! its okay, i just fell nothing to be worried about." i say as he licks my face while i laugh quietly not wanting to wake anyone up. i walk over to my bedroom door and peek out into the hall before shutting and locking it relieved that no one else was up. i walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of skinny yoga leggings, an oversize mossy green tshirt, cream scarf, and my motorcycle boots. after taking a shower, changing, throwing my hair into a messy bun and putting on a little makeup i look myself over in my full length mirror. i stare at the 5'3 girl looking back at me with bright blue eyes and hope that Zack is ready so we can get the hell out of here without waking up our dad. the minute i step a foot out my bedroom door Driver is by my side searching for any danger by me while walking downstairs to the kitchen. lets just say that my dog and older brother are very protective of me because of what goes on at home. i walk into the kitchen to find Zack on his phone while eating a piece of toast.

Three Strikes You're Out! (Werewolf/ Shifter Version)Where stories live. Discover now