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Just this year...
Only a few more months left.

Two sentences stuck in the back of my head. Lurking in the abyss; haunting me in my dreams.

Just this year...

Staring up at the blank ceiling, I let my thoughts wonder. Turning my head slightly, I saw my small, digital clock show 1:53am. Sighing, I knew it was going to be a long night.


I was still awake. I want to sleep, but my mind won't let me. Sleeping on my back hurts, so I turn to my left. Sleeping on my left side hurts, so I flip back, staring back at the ceiling. I was bored of the ceiling so I rotated onto my stomach. But it didn't work. With my face flat in the sheets, it was suffocating. I sighed - and turned back to my original position... Back to square one.


After adjusting my position a few more times, I was in a more comfortable position. Closing my eyes, I hoped I could get at least 4 hours sleep. Yet a thought dawned on me.
Tomorrow, I go back to school. It was the first day in September.

A/N - Hello everyone~ I'm writing a new story since I thought I should have a go at it~ ahah
The chapter lengths will vary, but I hope you enjoy it~

Drifting~  || Luhan X OC ||Where stories live. Discover now