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My eyes flutter open and a blank ceiling greeted me. I must have fallen asleep. But for how long? I wasn't sure. 1 hour? 2 hours? Nonetheless, I was greatful I could at least rest. Shifting my head, I saw that it was 5:18. I knew that it would be difficult getting back to sleep, so I got up.

It was chilly without my covers, and I was shivering as I walked to my window with my arms griping my sides for warmth. Peeling open the curtains a little, I could see the sun beginning to rise and a small smile made it's way onto my face. Turning my feet, I went to grab my small A5 sketch book and some copics, before heading back to the window. As I open my window, I could feel the cold, fresh air on my exposed skin.

My window was big enough for me to sit on the ledge and to have my feet dangling out, with my art supplies next to me. It was my favorite place to sit because I could watch the sky and let my worries fly. It was dangerous, but I enjoyed having a risk of falling if I wanted to. I enjoy the freedom... maybe a bit too much.

Grabbing my sketch book, I opened it to a new page and began lightly sketching out the veiw in pencil. Just a few simple lines before swapping my pencil for copics. I'd done this many times, that it was clear in what I was doing. I enjoy art, and I enjoy watching the sunrise and sunset, so why not make a use of my insomniac self to capture a pretty view, although I was usually in a grumpy mood or just too tired to do anything, whilest stressed at myself. It was what I did if the sky was pretty - which was rare, and it was what I did if I couldn't sleep - which is usually every night.

A/N - Here's the second chapter. It's a slow start, but it should pick up soon~

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