Əpiphâny of a Pšychopath

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Dedicated to: Michael-Sorbello

To look for what Desolation missed

We search the pages of Jekyll & Hyde

Who lived in The Tower of Sorrow

With The Thing in the Forest 

Or was it the thing Inside?

That was Eldritchs' Truth

But who would believe a man
Who would scratch the walls 
And screamed at owls
After reading The Devil's Haiku

Or The girl from the hospital
Who took out her eyes
And could tell when you lied
And who was first cursed to fall

Into the pit
Always Ready for all ...

Shadows over Transylvania
Wove a table cloth with the night
An honor is The Feast of body
For we dine with the
Red Moon enchantress

Hands mouth and soul
              Bloody ...

But this was just her show
Entertainment for The Dead Sea

She preferred the taste
Of The Crippled mans' Dream

That was of
The girl who Đanced đeath away
In The Moonlit Cemetery

Her dress that chimed of
        crystalized bones

               With eyes that still blinked
     And mouths that still cried
Even while they're sewn.

Draw the curtains to my haunting
Applaud but dont clap
For after all this is but
The daydreams of a psychopath.

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