The Black Peppers Love

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The Black Pepper's Love

Monday, March 07, 2016

5:01 PM

Join me and the recluse

To the pub for some booze

If you snooze you lose

At least science is on my side.

So someone asked me something,

And With conclusions to come,

Camouflaged in Grey

They Were the empty ones.

Who would save the world

One last time

She's a friend of mine

And I love your Books

You might not know , but now you do

Must I say,

is this the right way?

For I digress, when the sky rings

Why, Shouldn't I be studying?

I've made my mark,

And said my best

Beware of the hurricanes

The tempest of tempest.

But Kaleidoscope colors,

Are sure to settle on the cloud's Gideon

I Have Set The Kettle on,

We''ll watch it all from the Caribbean.

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