Chapter Five

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“Hello Jennifer,” I spoke to her.

She only smirked at me. Okay, fine. I’ll just ignore you too.

“V, I’m going to go catch a shower,” I said.

I went and turned on the shower. I was grateful. My muscles were tensed from that workout. I sunk into the hot goodness of the water and it once again wrapped it’s waterly arms around me. I let it hold me in its embrace. It almost felt as if it were rubbing a hand on my back soothing those knots I had. After thirty minutes I shut the shower off and shimmied into some of V’s extra clothes. I hope she didn’t mind. I walked downstairs. I just remembered that Gracie told me to get a haircut. I couldn’t disappoint her.

I grabbed a phone book from the end table and flipped through it. I found a place called Split Endz. I dialed their number and it rang five times before someone picked.

“Hello, this is Split Endz, I’m Mandy, How can I help you,” Mandy asked.

“I was wondering how much does it costs for a cut with styling?” I inquired.

“It’s $50,” she said.

“Thank you,”  I hung up. 

I walked into the den area and Jennifer was still there. The guys had migrated inside and I saw Monica. I ran over and embraced her into a hug. She and my brother had been going strong for five years.  She was really down to earth.

“Mon! It’s so nice to see you,” I said.

“I know Mae! It’s been too long!” she said hugging me again.

We had a small conversation and I had forgotten about the other people that were around. I heard Nick clear his throat. Damn Nick and his clogged up throat! I turned.

“MJ, may I borrow your car? I need to go somewhere.” I asked.

He tossed me the keys, not bothering to inquire where I was going.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

“Mind if I ride?” Zak asked. His eyes pleaded for me to save him from being the dreaded seventh wheel.

“Sure, I’d appreciate the company,” I said smiling.

He nearly uprooted the rug getting to my side. I laughed as we exited. In the car he asked where we were going. I told him and he was happy. He said a new doo was just what I need. We chatted the entire way there. I was surprised when he actually went into the salon with me. Mandy greeted us and surprisingly she remembered my voice.

“Cut and style right?” she asked.

I smiled nodding.

“And what can we do for your boyfriend?” she asked eyeing Zak.

I started to correct her but I was cut off my Zak.

“I’m just here to support my girl,” he said giving me a smirk.

I laughed at him and went were escorted to a chair.  I let Zak pick out my style and I refused to see until it was finished. An hour later, I was face to face with my new self. Zak had good taste!

We still had daylight to kill and I was in no hurry to get back to Nick’s house. Zak and I went by a few car lots. I found a nice Mazda 3 that I almost died for. Zak promised to bring me back in a few days to get it. I was extremely happy and with that we went back to Nick’s.

We pulled up and the car was still parked. I wondered where Jennifer’s car was. I saw Monica’s car but not hers. Zak let me borrow his hoodie so I could hide my hair until I was ready to unveil it. I didn’t want Jennifer to share this moment but I guess I didn’t have a choice. I went inside with Zak guiding me. I raised my head and looked at them with hooded eyes. I saw Aaron glaring at my hand clasped in Zak’s. I ignored him and continued to hold Zak’s hand.

“I now present to you the new Gabrielle,” he said sliding the hood from my head, careful to not destroy my new style.

Everyone gasped.

“Damn, you’re beautiful,” Nick slipped.

I could tell because he that Nick caught in headlights look.  V elbowed him but she agreed. I smiled, a little timid at them calling me beautiful.  I saw MJ smiling and I knew he approved and Monica told me that my hair was the stuff, since Belly was still in the room. Belly ran over and told me looked like Princess Tiana, but she said I was prettier. I blushed and thanked her.

“It’s different. I’m used to seeing you with hair in your face,” Jennifer added.

I politely thanked her, even though I’m not sure why. The room went deadly silent. We all looked at Aaron with anticipation. His focus lay not on my new haircut, but still on my fingers that interlaced with Zak’s. I could feel the anger building up inside of me. He was too jealous to even notice a haircut? One that I got just for him to notice me more! I was about to explode when the room got extremely cold.  Belly wanted down and as I let her down she ran over to Nick who cupped her protectively. I wasn’t the only one who felt the presence.  I tightened my grip on Zak’s hand and he instinctively pulled me closer. I saw Aaron get up with one swift move and that’s when I knew he had been possessed. The roles reversed and I put myself between Zak and Aaron’s body.

“Back down Aaron,” I said in a warning tone.

He looked at me and then back and Zak. I saw it in time to intervene. Aaron swung out to hit Zak in the face, but I pushed Zak down by pulling his hand and sitting in his lap midair. Everyone was shocked and Zak went into defense mode.

“Aaron, I know you can hear me. You need to fight this. You’re stronger than this,” he tried to call out to Aaron.

Again Aaron charged Zak and I saw the glint of light off a blade. I had to act quickly or someone would get hurt. I swiped Aaron’s legs while karate chopping the arm that held the knife. He released the knife and it went flying in the opposite direction. I breathed a little sight of relief. I was now faced with a 200 lb Aaron that was possessed.

“Aaron, please, I know you can hear me. Fight it! Please,” I begged.  

I looked in his eyes and I saw a familiar expression. Thank God, Aaron was himself.  I rolled away from him still, just in case. He stayed on the floor, drained of energy. Zak moved over to help as Nick handed Belly to V. I moved back further from him. I wanted to be nowhere near him at this moment. He had tried to kill Zak and he would have injured me seriously. I was shaken. I found the furthest wall and collapsed against it. Could these two days get any worse?

My All and My Nothing [An Aaron Goodwin/Ghost Adventures Story]Where stories live. Discover now