Ch 1 - Introduction

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"Daisy!" My mom shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah i'm coming!" I roared. I swung my backpack onto my shoulder and raced down the tall staircase. I snatched my lunch bag off of the glass table in front of the door, I yelled "thanks mom!" As I skidded out the double front doors. I left no time for her to reply.

I arrived at school 10 minutes late as always. Grace waved to me from under a tree where she was sitting with Jess and Sam. She patted the grass beside her as if there was a dog laying there, indicating for me to join them.

I strolled over smiling "hey everyone!" I greeted, "hi honey" Sam said as he stood up and kissed me on the cheek. Everyone also returned the greeting "Hey!" They said In unison. "Daze?" Jess asked, making sure I was listening. "Yep?" I replied. "Any news on job offers?" I answered quickly, "no and I'm starting to get worried and frustrated. By now there's no way I could earn enough money to pay for a flight 2 weeks is not enough time"

"Daze we don't need to go to London we could just fly to another state" Grace suggested trying to be comforting. "I checked those flights 

too, nothing I could do, I'm so sorry guys you should just go ahead without me" I mentioned. "Are you crazy?" Jess asked. Our conversation was interrupted by the warning bell, we were the only students not in class. We all jumped up and scurried in through the cold, depressing jail-like doors.

First class was English, Jess and I spent the whole time passing notes instead of listening to Mr. Crow's Romeo and Juliet revision guidelines. Two hours later the loud echoey bell rang representing our temporary freedom for 30 minutes. The screeching sound of chairs being pushed away from desks filled the room, accompanied with chatting.

We all returned to our original seats where we sit everyday when the weather Is nice. The discussion continued about summer. "Hun, we could drive to Arizona or somewhere like that,I'll drive!" Sam suggested. Everyone roared with positivity. "Are you guys sure? I mean you all have saved up for so long to fly to London, it's really not fair on you guys." I replied. "We're positive! It wouldn't be the same without you anyway! This way we can all pay money for gas! It's perfect!" Grace explained. They all nodded. Sam gave me a soft look as if to illustrate that he too agreed. "Ok!" I approved with a huge grin. Sam leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Everyone screamed with excitement.

The rest of the day exceeded to exhaust me as it did every day. "I'm home with Sam!" I notified anyone who was in the house. There was no reply. Sam and I made some lunch and sat outside with our feet in the warm pool. We began discussing the road trip. I found it difficult to concentrate on what he was saying instead of his shiny, sandy brown hair and his amazing sparkly eyes gazing at me. I reminded myself how lucky I was to be his girlfriend. Not only did he look good, he had the most amazing personality. He is caring, helpful, selfless, gentle, the list is endless. I slowly leaned in to him starring into his eyes. Our eyes locked like they did when we met and on our first date. I joined my hands behind his neck as he gently put his hands on my waist. We kissed for what seamed like hours.

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