Ch 3 - Excitement

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Once I was fully ready I looked at Sam and nodded as if to say that I'm ready. Sam stood up slowly, scratching the back of his neck.

I sneaked up to the door and placed my ear against it. It was quiet. I opened the door with caution. We tiptoed down the hallway and we gently slid down the staircase. I wished it was not so tall at that point.

We were on our way to the kitchen when we heard my brother enter in through the back door. He was wearing the same clothes he wore the previous day.

We crouched Behind the marble counter. He silently traveled to his room. "How old is James again?" Sam asked "23" I replied. "And he still has to sneak in?" "I don't understand it either."

We slowly stood up. I grabbed some lunch and we escaped from the house. I began walking to my car indicating that today I would drive us. Then I remembered the confusion that it could create leaving Sam's car in the driveway.

We drove to Starbucks like we do everyday before school. We discussed the road trip a little more to get it out of our system. We decided that we all would stay in a hotel because Sam's uncle didn't have enough space in his house for all of us to stay.

It was only 7:30 and there was an hour and a half before the school would open. We sat in the car for a few minutes.

We had nothing else to do so we went to the mall. I was very happy about that decision. We picked up a planner which would be dedicated for planning the road trip, we also bought some movies and games to entertain us for the long drive. After about 30 minutes we returned to the car and headed to school.

The school was completely empty and there was nobody there except the janitor who had begun his daily route unlocking every door in the school. Sam held my hand and leaded me to the music room. He picked me up and sat me on the piano. He began to play and sing one of our songs, little things by One Direction. I couldn't stop smiling. He made me feel so special. He looked at me inviting me to join in. He let me have a little solo which I never get in choir. I liked singing in that room without having twenty people looking at me. It's nice to sing like no one Is listening.

He led me to the auditorium afterwards. He laid out a blanket onto the floor and sneaked to the projection room. He came down with a basket and a remote. He pressed a button on it. Stars filled the wall of the auditorium. Sam told me all about the stars and what each one Is called. We had a little picnic together. "Sam, this day has been so romantic and wonderful and it's only 8:26! Thank you so much for a beautiful morning! You're amazing!" I thanked him. We leaned in and kissed. Sam pulled me in close by my waist. I reached around his neck and tightly hugged his body closer to mine.

My morning alarm went off. I rummaged around for it in my bag frantically. It was like a warning, informing us that he school would soon be filled with students and teachers. We soon packed up our picnic and cleaned up the area so nobody could tell we were even there.

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