Ch 4 - look what I stumbled upon

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Sorry for not updating in a while (AGES!!!) But I'm going to try and do updates more often - I'm going to try to be a little more committed. Hope you enjoy! :)


"It's open!" I shouted. My mom opened the door slowly and popped her head in my room. "do you have any laundry that I can fit in this load?" I looked over my laptop at my mom. "Yeah, I think so." I said as I got up. I handed her a few items of clothing out of my laundry hamper. "Here, thank you!" I said with a smile. "No problem honey, do you have anything else I can help you with?" She asked. "no thanks" I replied. "You sure you don't have anything to ask me?" I looked at her with a confused expression "no..." She also looked confused. "Nothing about a road-trip?" I stared at her. "Mom, how the hell do you know about that? Did you like look through my phone or something?" I asked "No no Jess called me to ask if you could go" she explained. "Oh my god! I don't believe her, she is so cheeky!" I shouted. It was silent for minute. I looked up at her with a smirk. "So... can I go?" She nodded and smiled. "Yes,! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I screeched and hugged her tightly.

As soon as she left I picked up my phone and texted Jess.

DAISY: My mom just told me that u rang to ask if I could go on the roadtrip. Jess why couldn't you let me ask her myself?

JESS: because i thought it would be easier on you if I just asked her 

DAISY: Jess thats so sweet! You're the best!

JESS: thanx :) x well, what did she say?

DAISY: YYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! wooohooo! :) roadtrip here we come!

JESS: YAY! Can't wait!

DAISY: me neither we'll discuss all the details tomoz

JESS: k xx :))

I spent the rest of the night looking at hotel rates and activities in the area. i found this youtube channel that reviews hotels around the world and decided on the best one. While i was looking at these reviews i got caught in a loop of youtube videos from one to another. i stumbled upon a video which looked like it was someone i knew from school. i clicked on it and it turns out it was. i looked at her channel and found a video called 'My Burn Book.' i was really shocked when i watched it. i was absolutely horrified and disgusted with the content of this video. For some reason I felt a huge responsibility haven watched the video, should I confront her? Should i tell my friends? A teacher? This was huge.       

_________________________________________________________________________________Sorry it hasn't properly heat up yet (but it will) I'm trying to speed it along! :) if anyone has any suggestions or ideas feel free to mention them in the comments :) Thank you all so much for reading!  If you vote this book I will update very soon! (please) :) thanks again!                  

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