Is hating a sport? Cause I would win the gold...

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sorry i haven't updated lately --- my computer stopped working, well at least the internet did. But Baby I'm Back!!!!

Anywho... please enjoy this update after this chap the book will officially be kicked off! whoo!!

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Cassidee’s P.O.V.

I let out a very frustrated yell as I tried to untangle the mess of testosterone boys, blood, and anger for the umpteenth time.

“Will you two stop acting like a pair of wild nimrods, and cease with the fighting!”

I was so worried that a teacher might come and think I was in the fight too or something and I would get suspended and then it would go on my record then my chances of getting into an ivy league school and scholarship would disappear in a flash.

Then an idea popped into my head, like a bulb had just been lit.

I pretended to accidently hit my head on a locker, then start sobbing. Immature yes, but it would work.

Then all of a sudden Kevin immediately dropped his wrestling partner from the headlock he had him in and came to my aid.

He got down on his knees in front of me and began looking up and down my body for injuries.

It made me feel a little self-conscious.

“Oh Shit, Are you okay Cass? I’m so sorry I was fighting I know how much you hate it. And now you got hurt cause I wasn’t there to save you from yourself!” He scolded himself. As the heel of his hand made contact with his forehead.

I rolled my eyes, even when he was angry he was still funny.

“It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.” I said trying to alter my voice to sound like I’m going through pain.

I failed miserably.

“NO! IT’S NOT OKAY! YOU GOT HURT BECAUSE OF ME! HOW IS THAT OKAY?” His tone was so belligerent I was scared. Never in my life had he used that tone with me. Never.

I felt guilty that I had done this to him.

My heart sunk, and a stray unwanted tear dropped.

“Fuck I made you cry!” His tone was now cracked, and depressed.

“What is going on—Is that blood?!” A voice of awe authority echoed throughout the halls.

“Donkey Buckets!” Kevin and I both whispered under our breath.

We always said it when we got in trouble.

“Why yes, yes it is” The New Guy spoke up.

I had totally forgotten he was here.

“Avery Harris is that you!? Oh your father didn’t protrude to tell me you were coming today!”

Oh so that’s his name!

“Yes, well it was also a surprise for me too.”

Kevin and I both gagged at the grown-up conversation dispersing above us.

But for the first time I noticed Avery had a very strong English accent. No wonder the guy gets so many girls!

“Now would you mind telling me who commenced this fight?” The principle got straight to the point.

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