A broken foot and a lot of questions

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How’s it going my little lovelies? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but I’m on the humor list in What’s Hot!!!! I’m so psyched, but in order to keep it I have to update! So here you are…chapter 4!! Pls give suggestions on any plot directions or title suggestions!

This chapter is dedicated to my Favorite Wattpader…. Sprittals98!!!!                           

She is an awesome writer and an even more awesome motivator. I would not have a lot of updates without her. Check out some of her books ‘During Summer Break’ and ‘Welcome to Loserville, Population: me’

(PS: If you are reading this Sprittals98 this is indeed a shout out) So “SHOUT OUT!” – I felt that was very necessary.

Vote! (You know you want to!)

Comment! (You’re fingers are itching to do it.. so let them!)

Fan! (It will make a certain short African girl very happy!)

PS: that’s me!

Chapter 4:  A broken foot and a lot of questions

It’s been 3 days since I have last seen Kevin, and my ‘enemies’ haven’t said a single word to me. Even though I think it’s strange I’m not going to question life’s favors.

I jumped as a car beeped at me to hurry up crossing the road.

What the hell, I thought as I stuck my middle finger up at the driver, but it was too dark to see how he/she reacted.

I have been a little on the edge ever since my mom’s accident and I’m taking out my anger on the world.

I was still walking as slow as I could, trying to aggravate the driver that beeped at me when he got out of his car and started stalking towards me; shouting profanities.

 I hurriedly began to walk faster trying to out walk the driver that was still shouting at me.

All of a sudden all the cars started driving and I looked up to see the walk sign said stop.

Oh cheese.

I dodged past cars trying to get past me, audibly praying that I won’t get hit or run over.

I groaned in pain as one of the cars ran over my foot, and I think it broken.

Now limping I tried my best to find an open space in the melee of cars coming towards me, when strong arms wrapped around my waist and threw on the connected shoulder.

I screamed.

I began rapidly beating on the man’s back.

“Let go of me, you evil pedophile!”

“Can you stop? Your making saving you a whole lot harder.” The man said amusingly.

“Are you not affected by my punches at all?” I asked now I was angry that even if I was in real danger, I couldn’t even defend myself.

“Yeah……no. Now I know you were bluffing when you threated me.”

Wait what?

“I never met you in my life.”

“Think again.” He said as he put me down on the side walk.

My mouth was stilled as shock rang loud in my body.

“Next time you decide to try and kill yourself, make sure I’m not around to watch.” Avery’s face turned serious as he abruptly turned around and began walking the opposite direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2011 ⏰

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