Chapter 6: "I think you're beyond perfect."

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"Is that really what your woke me up for?", I say, exhaling a large amount of oxygen. I thought he had caught some virus, or gotten his girlfriend pregnant.

He had called to tell me that an officer stopped him, and almost gave him a ticket for passing a red light. Supposedly, the cop let Charlie go at the mention of my name.

"It was insane, Meghan!", he said through through phone.

"It sounds insane. I'd like to know why you were passing red lights, criminal", I say.

"You see Meg, I wanted to see you as soon as possible. You know, to get your opinion on the song."

"Oh, Charlie, I-", I start before he cuts me off.

"No, no, no. Don't say anothing until we're standing face to face. I want to know that you're not lying. Now open your door cause I'm waiting outside." He says

I check outside, and notice he's standing behind my door, barely putting his phone away. I opened the door, and he stood there. He literally just stood there.

"Well?", he said.

"Come in. We'll talk inside.", I say, ushering him in.

He takes a seat on the couch, and very calm asks me, "So, what'd you think?"

I take a seat next to him, and make eye contact with him for 10 seconds.

"Your song is phenomenal. I am literally impressed, Mr.Puth." I say.

"Did you add your verse?", he asks

"Yes, I actually dreamt it. Isn't that just strange?"

"Yes, it is. I'm surprised you came up with the lyrics that quick." He says, jokingly. He chuckles for a minute, then asks me to sing my verse.

And that's exactly what I do.

"And when you leave me all alone
I'm like a stray without a home
I'm like a dog without a bone
I just want you for my own,
I got to have you, babe, Woah
There's loving in your eyes that
pulls me closer It's so subtle, I'm in trouble,
But I'd rather be in trouble with you.
Let's Marvin Gaye, and get it on"

"That was good, Meghan.", he says. He covers his face, then adds "I can't believe we're doing this."

"It'll be fine. We'll get the whole world horny.", I say, chuckling.

He finds the humour, and laughs along with me.

"You want breakfast?" I ask him.

"No, I just ate actually. Before the cop stopped me."

"You should start being more careful. There's a lot of crazy drivers out there, and with you passing red lights, you could put a pedestrians life in danger.", I say, in a professional tone.

"Fine, mom. I'm sorry", he says.

"Oh stop it, Charlie." I say, teasingly.

"Hey, Meghan, before I forget. Did I leave a jacket here the day I first came?", he asks.

Fuck. No, that's supposed to be mine forever. I wanted to keep it, so I decided to lie to him.

"Hu- n-no- what?", I mumble. "What jacket?"

"Oh. Uh, it's alright. Nothing." He says.

I felt terrible. I did know where it was. It was folded neatly on the right side of my bed. (I love sleeping on the left side.) I slept with it every night, but that is kinda weird. My shit act was pathetic. I'll just give it to him.

Marvin Gaye ( A Meghan×Charlie Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now