Chapter 13: "What If I, I want to kiss you tomorrow."

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"I missed you." I tell Charlie.

He seems to mouth the same thing, but he couldn't come to me. There seemed to be a weird, thick glass separating us. Then I realized that when I walked, my body seemed to go the opposite direction.

The more I tried getting closer to him, the further back I went.

Was this supposed to mean something?

I wake up to my alarm drilling imaginary holes in my head.

I wish dreams didn't exist. They were always weird. But then again, my dreams were my personal lyric factories.

I wake up, and check my phone first thing. There was a message from Isaac, and one from Charlie.

Charlie: When do you want to start recording the video?

Shit. I dunno? Next week maybe? Tomorrow. It was up to him. We had to find a school that would allow us to record as well.

I check over Isaac's message.

Isaac: What's with you and Sophie? She came to me after you left yesterday, and rambled on and on about how you were a soul-less bitch. Why am I not getting your side of the story?

Oh, Isaac. I could practically hear his sassy attitude.

Me: Hey, Isaac. (All late but whatevs) And did she? She's looked jealous. I "took her man" LOL come over later. I'll let you in with the gossip.

I clicked send, then went back to Charlie's message. What should I tell him?

Me: We need to find the setting. Like, which school will we go to? And we need to get the camera crew ready. I'll say maybe next week. Let's just not release the song yet. Or let it leak. When will I see you again? I miss you already.

I clicked send, and walked to the kitchen. I turned on my coffee maker, and slowly walked to the living room couch. I felt super lazy. Or was I lonely?

I turned on my music player, and my songs came out. I was so proud of each and everyone of them. I couldn't believe I was about to release them. No Good For You played, and I thought about Isaac. I can't believe his girlfriend cheated on them. She deserves to get her face kicked in. He's so sweet and sensitive. He deserves better.

I also remember he said that I deserved better. He thinks Charlie isn't good for me. But Charlie is perfect. Everything about him. I've grown so attached to him these passed few months. I'm so attached, I don't think I could live anywhere else than with him.

My phone lights up, and I pick it up. It was a message from Isaac.

Isaac: I'll be there in 10. Have you made breakfast?

Me: Uh, does turning on the coffee maker count as "making breakfast"?

Isaac: No, silly. I'm ordering McDonald's. I got you food. Be there in a bit.

Me: Fo'sho. I'll be here patiently waiting.

I'll gain a ton of weight with McDonald's, but oh well. I was hungry, and at least I won't have to make food. I was feeling super tired.

I closed my eyes for a while, and before you knew it, I was snoring.

I woke up to the doorbell ringing.


I ran to open it, and he stood there with two small paper bags.

"Surprise!", he exclaimed.

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