~ Chapter 29 ; Sweet Sixteen, Piper ~

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Time: 8pm
Place: The Cabins, Mess Hall
Date: June 3rd

Naturally, the party was at night. And naturally, everyone had to be dressed up to Aphrodite standards. Or as close as they could get. If not, MAKEOVER from the famous Afro-kids themselves.

I don't really know all that much about Aphrodite Standards so I decide to pass... pass security. The Fashion Police are brutal, man. But just in case, I went with my fashion guts. Fashion and guts don't really go well together, but...
I wore clothes.
Yeah that's all you need to know.

I skilfully roll under a table set on the border of the Mess Hall and-

I quickly straighten up. The two Aphrodite kids at the intended entrance haven't noticed me.
Okay. What now?

I stand still for a while, waiting for instructions to come from the earpiece spies wear in the ears before realizing I didn't have one.
I sigh dejectedly and try to blend in with the crowd while subconsciously fiddling with the pocket of my black jeans.

I randomly weave between people until I spot Ash, who's sporting a purple dress to match with her eyes and a black jacket.

Ash sees me too and walks over.
"I can't believe they let me in," she whispers.

"Why? You look great," I say brightly. I'm not sure if she does. If I were an Aphrodite kid... Nope, can't judge.

Ash rolls her eyes. "Not compared to you."

"Hey, no one can compete with me," I say distractedly.

Ash smirks.

"But if I do say so myself, dark pink goes well with black," I say, referring to my top which is dark pink and black.
I just described my clothes? Wait, you saw a picture already? Ummm...

Ash nods. "It's wicked."

"So, you having fun?"

"Hell no."

"Oh. You ready to be single and go mingle?" I ask casually.

"I'm already single, and no, no mingling."

"Too bad, cuz I see that human being staring at you."

Ash looks around and waves at Anna, who was grinning at her. "That's just Anna."

"Hey, a human is a human."

Ash does a facepalm.

Anna dashes over. "Hi! What's up?"

"The sky my dear, in case Percy hasn't told you," I say matter-of-factly.

She giggles.

"You look cute," Ash comments with a hint of jealousy.

I don't think olive green dresses and orange shoes fall under cute... Umm... Does it?

Anna giggles again. "Thanks."

"You're quite giggly today," I state conversationally.

Anna giggles again when Percy notices us.
"There you are!"

Anna runs off as he comes closer.

"Hey! Ugh, not again." He stops in front of us.

"Something wrong?" I ask.

"That girl keeps taking my stuff," he says rather childishly.

"Hey, siblings are for that, don't sweat."

He scowls. "She really annoys me. I don't know why, but... anyway, I'm Percy Jackson, son of-"

"Poseidon." Ash says abruptly.

Percy frowns. "Yeah..."

"I'm Ash, daughter of Tyche."

"I'm Khristine, daughter of who knows who."

Percy nods. He seems distracted. "Well, I'll see you around."
He walks off.

"He really is cute," Ash says dully.

"You know what's cuter? That fudging fudge cake."

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