» Chapter 32 ; An Idea »

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Date: 6th June
Time: 8am
Place: The Arena

Ignoring the other camper at the dagger section, I practice my archery nearby her.
I'm not too good at it. But for every three shots I miss one. Everyone expects Apollo kids to be good at all Apollo things, but, we're not Apollo, so we aren't. Like- Apollo is the God of multiple things; light, medicine and healing, music, poetry and haikus, archery, etc and some people say Being Hot.
I'm not good in the music and poetry part. And, true, I'm not exactly good at healing. I'm better at curing. There's a difference. A couple of my siblings have limited healing powers. They're amazing. I mainly rely on Nectar and Ambrosia, but I can speed up the process a bit.

I aim at the highest target and let my arrow fly. It falls short and hits a lower target.

"Nice shot," says a voice from beside me.

I turn to see it was the person with the daggers. She's one of the newer campers... pale hair, pale skin, light crystal blue eyes... there are a few blonde girls, but none of them are as pale as her- Khristine.

I smile. "Wasn't really aiming for that."

"Yet you still hit it," she says.

"I have a feeling it relates to life somehow..."

"Yep. Just shoot."

I frown. "Doesn't really make sense."

"Life doesn't make sense." Khristine shrugs and gathers her daggers from her targets. She hasn't missed one.

"You're not bad at shooting yourself... are you a Hunter?"
Ugh stupid me, of course not. Thalia only came in March and left a week later.

She chuckles. "That'd be terrible for half the world. No, not yet."

"Has Apollo claimed you?"

"Apollo? I think I'd be more Hades than Apollo..." she sounds slightly embarrassed and upset. Very slightly, but it's clear to me.

I suddenly remember something. "Speaking of Hades, is something wrong with Nico? He seems specially hostile towards you..."

"Yeah. It's nothing," she says indifferently.

"I saw you two arguing while you were cleaning after Piper's party. And he nearly took out his sword."

Khristine rolls her eyes. "He's just dramatic and uptight."

"You wouldn't want him against you... children of Hades hold long grudges," I warn.

"I know," she mutters.

"So... anyway..." I probably shouldn't have brought up Nico. "How's camp?"

"Sorta boring."

"Seriously!? Haven't you made friends with your group members yet?"

"What's the group thing even for?" She asks.

"I dunno. Making friends one at a time? The Groups make it easier."

"Pfft my best friend is in Tyson's group while my arch enemy is in mine."

"Hmm... are you bored now?"

"What do you think?" She asks slightly dejectedly.

I don't know... yes...? I assume so.
"Then follow me."

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