)) Chapter 74 Irina ((

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Date: July 6th, 1997

Previously, we saw Ash with purple eyes. Now we have Irina Isabel with red eyes. Well she's older than Ash, so she came with the fancy eye colour before her. She has red eyes. Not the like allergy red white red eyes, her irises are red. At times, they're cute, at times... they're not.

Guess what her hair colour is.

So... five days after the birth date of le famous John Green (Dionysus reference), I.I. was born. Don't ask me her middle name, because I don't know.
Bet you 100 money units that it's with I.

February 8th, 2002

Isabel went to the cinema.
I know, it's epic.
What, I sound bored? Well you're wrong sista. I'm just stating it.
I'm jelly.

Anyway. So. Irina lived with her mom. Her mom was a great parent. She did Zeus' part better than he would. She was a super mom. Super parent.
Anyway. They lived... on earth. Next to a cinema.


Ignore that. So. Every six months... the two Isabels would go to the cinema. Of course, Mrs. Isabel only allowed age appropriate movies. But later on, she relaxed a bit. Her father was a real flirty and violent guy, so the movies they watched got a bit more explicit.

So her first movie was a big milestone for her.
Yet something else happened this date. Five years later.

They were returning from the cinema, and they were talking non stop about it.
So far, no monsters were after them. But there were a few Eidolons disguised as random guys nearby and... it's kind of suspicious when you're talking about Hercules around them.

Yeah, they attacked.
It was a fierce fight, one which Irina didn't participate in.
Her mom told her to run... And...
I'm just gonna compare this to a scene in Tokyo Ghoul OKAY BYE DON'T KILL ME-

Anyway, references aside...
She dies. Her mom.
Irina returned to their home, grief stricken. She saw how her mom died... there was no Kaneki to stop that.

After that... she lived alone there, Anteiku-less.

13th March, 2011

One day... as in this day... Irina decided to go to the cinema. Since her mom's death, she hadn't been there. Not even once. How'd she live?

I don't know what movie she watched, but... it reminded her of her mom.
She was crying silently in the theatre.

And she wasn't the only one.
A few seats behind her, a John Green- I mean Jason Grace, was crying too. Oh no wait he was laughing... with his girlfriend, Pied Cleaner.
I am not Dionysus, thank you very much.

So that's how Irina crashed the Jasper date and was taken to camp. I find it funny.

Godly Parent: Zeus
Button: Red
Favourite character: Jason

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