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Dear Levi,

Today was terrible.

Seriously, if I write out everything that made me feel this rubbish today, you will certainly get bored reading this.

Not that you'll read this anyway, but you get the point.

Maybe a couple wouldn't hurt, right?

First, the weather was horrendous. It was way too sunny for my liking and there were some annoying birds chirping happily and staring at me, right outside of my window. It was creepy.

Now for an average person, this sounds like the perfect way to wake up, but for me, the positive weather was only setting high expectations for the rest of the day that will undoubtedly be like every other day.

And this was especially true for today in particular. It was the day I would have my weekly meeting with the doctor.

And it was complete and utter shit.

To sum up the hour long meeting in words, the doctor told me I wasn't getting better. No progress. None.

Thanks doc, so much for 'anything is possible'.

Hope to see you soon,

The Other Side (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now