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Dear Levi,

I'm sorry but I can't help but be angry at you.

I haven't had anyone come visit me for exactly 1 month. It's been a month since I wrote the first letter too.

My family have given up visiting me, seeing as I'm not getting better any time soon. I don't care. I want you.

I have to be assisted each time I want to get out of bed, but that isn't often. I'd rather wait for you to come to me. I'd be much happier seeing you personally come here yourself and see me.

The last time someone came to visit me, I almost believed that it was you. That was until I saw who it was.

It's not that I wasn't pleased that Mikasa decided to visit but it was more the fact that it wasn't you.

She laid down a stack of papers on my lap. There was a small pot of ink on the bedside table too.

This confused me at first. After I saw her expression, I understood. She told me a couple of things too. Levi, she'd read the first one. She thinks I should write more to you.

Something Hanji said about helping with stress and grief? I don't know. Hanji's just the wacky older sister I love.


Like I love you. But do I?

I don't know.

So although I know that no one will come visit me anytime soon, every time a nurse knocks on my door a part of me keeps hoping it would be you.

Lots of hate (love?),

The Other Side (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now