2 :Gang & School.

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*Ashley POV*
Riiiiiinnng.Oh whats this noise I looked around to see the noise from my alarm.God its only nine in morning but still my parents want their daughter to be on time.Whatever,I stood and went to washroom.It was a very magneficient one but I didnt at all wanted my washroom like that.However I did my deal and took a bath in the washroom and now here is my closet.Thanks god that my so called nice parents didnt decided to hand me a walk in closet.Now lets decide what to wear.Um......Um.....Um .Ya this one, taking out a lightblue shirt which had a yellow smilie on it and it came up till my thighs but was very loose and then a baggy peach pent was my outfit and then I made my hair in a messy bun.With this I went downwards.
My parents and rest of them were already seated .Good Morning I greeted.Everyone nodded.Let me tell you I love to eat but to avoid being told by my mother not to eat so much I only poured coffee in a mug and ate a slice of bread without anything else.After drowninjg my coffee I cleared my throat.God this silence is eating me.For breaking silence I said" I am going out today" and was about to leave when my sis Adelie said "Ashy at least eat something more,We know you are angry with us for sending you away but whats the fault of food in it" Ya sure like hell you want anything to do with me.Keep up the act Adelie I thought."I also think we should forget whats pass"this was said by Duke.Great now my friend had a crush on my sis and is taking her side.I ignored him and replied to Ade"I am not angry at anyone, I was just tired yesterday.And secondly you send me away for my best.Isnt this what you told me before I left." She replied"Ya you are righ it was for best.So you are not angry with any of us?"
"No"I replied
"I also want to tell you something Ashy"It was my second bro Grey.He was the most serious and over protective of me from all my bro.Even though Vince is elder than Grey he is non serious as well as Ashton my most youngest bro.
Go on I motioned with my hand .
"You are going to school tomorrow with your friends here.The fees of all of you is paid.
I nodded "So can I go now you know I want to visit the town as tomorrow would be a hectic day."
"You all comming "I asked my friends although I already knew there response.We were not heading for enjoying but to visit my gang members.They all got up and were coming
when Ceceline and Ashton spoke up "Can we come also".
We all shared a look and were to reply when the phone rang.I was the nearest one so I went to pick it.
"Hello. logan residency"I spoke
"Who are you ,a new maid"the voice spoke
"Excuse me who ever you are I am the daughter of Logan and Fiona,Ashley is my name".although I said I was the daughter but I felt digusted by myself.I could not belong to such caring, responsible and respectable family.
"Ohhhhh,Um so you are back sweetheart."Now I remembered whos voice this belonged to.
Non other than ZACH.I hate him now.Although I saw him in the gangs meetings but I hate him now.I dont even know why I used to love him he is nothing but a conceited jerk,bastard and every insult goes to him.He is the leader of worlds second gang "THE DANGEROUS TIGERS"I know a pathetic name.
"Donot call me that and who do you want to talk."i replied
Why not sweetheart
Simple because i hate you
But I like you.I snorted at his statement.He doesnt like a single girl.In meetings I have heard about him being the biggest player.
Sweetheart dont you remember we shared a kiss before you left.
Ya I remember but it has been 2 years and people change and now are you going to tell me who do you want to talk or I am putting the phone away.
Ok wait Give the phone to any of your siblings.
Zach is on the phone,who wants it.
Give to me ,was Greys replies
I gave him and was about te reply to Ashton that they cant go before cece beated me to reply."You people go we are not gonna come today."
I shrugged and we left.
Lets race to the territory.We all burst in a run I was the most fast.After half an hour we were in the territory.It was a deserted part of wood but we bordered Zach territory and the sixth gang territory.They were "A BLACK UNIVERSE"
gang.Soon we have reached the territory and I saw the gaurds of my gang standing straight and aware of their sorroundings.Every member of my gang wears mask all day and took it off at night.Even I wear a mask.
Good morning Leya,they greeted me .I only jumbled up letters of my name and so here I go by Leya but in streetfighting and car/bike racing I go by Mystery.Basically I wouldnt tell the others my name and so they themselves called me mystery.Taking deep breaths I started my journey towards my house that we have built in this territory.This was my territory when my gang was made.We have our own territories in every town.Every one greeted with me a nod .As I was seeted I looked toward my friends .So lets get started I ordered.Outside we were friends but inside I was a leader to them.Samantha and Duke both of you search as much as you can for our new school and the gang members that are there.Heaven and Claire look for needs of any member of pack.Colton,Tori,
Benjamin and Lacey go and book our names for tonights races and fights.Elle and Caleb bring me the latest reports for my drugging deals and of all the bars around the world that are mine.Ryan and Jackson clear the field and look if any machines are not working than repaire them we are going to practise as our schedule tells us.And Jackson repaire our bikes and car if any is broken and then clear the racing track also.With a quick yes they left.Now I took the 10 sheets which had names of my 200 members.So that I could see that everyone is present here safely.I went and started marking the names on list.I have about 10 houses which are triple storie houses with about 20 people living in each house.My house consist of a 15 year old Monore with her 5 year old brother Markos plus they are orphan and a 42 year old Naomi her husband died in a gangs fight and she doesnt have a child.Then I have Sally 24 year old who has a boyfriend Gemm who is 26 year old and lives in my house. Naomi loves all of us just as her own children.I didnt even notice and about 45 min have passed and I have marked all of the members.I turned towards home when I noticed that Ryan and Jacky were coming towards me.
"We have cleared the field and no machine needs repairing"
"Good then we should start practice"I replied.
Leaving them there I went and picked up the microphone and went on the roof of my house which was the highest building and shouted.
I want everyone this second in the field for practise and please no excuses.With saying this I went down to the practice field.As there were so many members we would make 20 vertical lines with 10 members in each line. I went in the front of line and started to do push ups and other exercises with the members doing the same.After one hour of doing exercise I went to the track which was 500m and made about 20 rounds and after doing that I made my way to machines and started to do them.I also did them for about 1 hour and then retired to my office.After coming to eat I drank water and in came others.Lacey placed tickets in my hand Duke placed the information and Caleb placed the results.I looked towards the reports and after reading them I just came to one conclusion we have to dress like Nerds in school.They all groaned.
"So you mean we have to be bullied"asked heaven.
Yeah I replied
"Thats not fair"lacey whined
My eyes darted to the clock.It was nine o'clock.
Shit,I cursed.We should leave or we would be late I ordered.
They nodded and so we went to the underground boxing place.

*At Underground Place*
I was standing at the top of stairs watching Heaven fight.
She is the most naive from our group of friends.Her hits werent so strong for that bulky men but if she gave him a hit in his shoulder and than quickly hit in his eyes and then on head than she will be able to win.But now it is looking
she will loose and my gang never looses.I quickly made my way infront of the ring so that Heaven could see me.As I made my way she had tears in her eyes .This made me angry and I motioned with my hands the way to hit him.The place was crowded so nobody could see me motioning.
After telling her two more hits I made my way back to my friends and Heaven was also had come back from the area after she was declared the winner.She hugged me as life was ending.
"Thank.u Than.u"you made me win the fight
No one questioned her as I always helped everyone
sometimes in these type of fights.After this was my fight and the last fight of the night.Sally was cleaning the
wounds of Heaven when Zach's gang came and sat behinde us .Zach's gang even consisted of my other siblings .Thanks god my gang wears mask or we would be busted.
I sudden yelp made me look towards Heaven.She had very deep cut on her knee which I was sure was hurted her very much.
"Oh so the members of the tigress gang cry also" Vince mocked.Now I wanted to hit him but I resisted and ignored him.
"Oh dont mock them Vince or they will start to cry."Zach taunted.It took every fibre of my cell not to hit him.I looked towards claire she was known as "BEAUTY RAY" over here so I called her"Beauty ray ,King(Duke),Sam(samantha)
Great Fighter(Jackson) take Paradise(Heaven) with you and return home I will manage here.
"Are you sure mystery,you know here are some dumb ass sitting who could be jerks and much more"sam retorted
I glared at her and then before Vince could say more I cut him and then spoke while changing my voice "Sam I am the leader so shutup and follow my orders and you the member
of Tiger save your comments for yourselves and if you want to fight ,fight in the ring"
"Please can we leave after watching you fight "Duke whined I sighed and said the last word I wanted to say"FINE"
Suddenly my name was announced .I got up and took of my jacket and underneath I only had sports shirt and trousers.I turned around to see Zach looking at my stomach.Anger rushed in my veins and snapped at him
"Eyes up here ".He looked starteled and than smirked before saying"You sure are a beauty".I ignored him and turned towards Tori and asked her for my fight numbers.
Yeah so we had to fight three times before we were declared winners.
"You have to first fight with the 9th gang member named Hans"she replied before a smirk came on her lips
"Intersting "she commented and then said the next words which made my day the most happy.
"You have second fight with the second gangs member Grey and last fight with the leader himself Zach".
"Its gonna be fun" I commented ."Exactly" she shouted.
I made my way to the ring after wrapping it around my hands.The Hans person at once started fight without taking even a breath but unfortunate for him that I have a lot more practice than him.After his first war got blocked he at once used his second hand to hit me but I easily catched it also and than from catching both his hands I threw him on the floor and then turned his arms backwards so much that he was bound to scream and at that movement I hit his face in the ground again and again but before I could hit him more he declared that he loose.Then came my own brother.I didnt want to hurt him but I had to.And so before the fight started I whispered sorry to him but I was dumb to that because his next words made me sure that I had to win and these were his words"little girl needs me to go light on her,huh"
No please dont go light on me and if you did you would regret it later
I defeated him but sure he was very hard.And after I won his face was priceless.
Last came Zach.
As the fight started he commented on my figure but I knew it he commented so he could divert my attention but I just showed him that my attention is diverted and right that min his legs came to hit my stomach but as I was quick I grabbed it and made him fall.Then I hitted on his face and stomach with my foot and so he took my foot and slammed me on floor and came on top of me while he had my wrist jammed on my head and his fist came on my face.I saw blood dripping from my nose but before he could hit me more I got up with the help of my syomach and finally I
had enough so I made a move to hook on his left shoulder but actually aimed at his face and then in seconds I had win.He was shocked like Grey but I ignored him and went to my friends.They were lsughkng at them but I didnt tolerate this kind of behaviour so I shouted STOP.
They obeyed as they knew not to mess with me and after half an hour of running I was at home.Door was opened by
the chef and when I didnt saw anyone I dashed to my room and locked it.Then I quickly walked to my washroom and took a bath and changed into a loose T shirt .I was starving.I hadnt eaten anything till that cofee and slice of bread but sure had drank water.And as my head hit the pillow I went in deep sleep from which I wish never wakeup

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