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Ashley pov.
As I saw Martin dread filled me ,the meomries which I used to see in dreams was about to come true.I was in pain stress but still my eyes weren't filling with tears instead I was feeling pure pain.It felt as they were hitting me right now .I found myself falling towards the ground as darkness covered me in itself and I closed my eyes maybe for forever as I felt nothing and went in the sea of emotions.

Zach pov
She wan't breathing.The only thing I knew was that I wanted her alive and without I second thought I carried her to hospital.

One hour later.
Everyone from her and mine familly were here after all her parents and mine are familly friends for past twenty years.Any how I felt broken but I knew better to show my weakness .Her friends were pacing around frantically.
Every thing stilled as the doctor came out and looked toward us .Miss Ashley is alright just a panic attack she is shifted into her room you could see her but I wan't to talk to one person who is closest to her.Its me I heard a voice and it was none other Shawn.I wanted to stop her and go myself but I knew she was really close to Ashy since the drama in cafe so its better if she goes than me.

Ashley pov.
Everyone was comming inside and soon started asking me how was I doing.I was getting irritated more and more as time ticked by.These people didn't get a clue that I wanted them to leave me alone.Soon everyone left and shawn came in.Her face held two emotions of anger and worriness.Is everything okay?I asked her.She glared ferociously towards me and it looked as if she was shooting arrows with her eyes.When were you about to tell me he came back and was hurting you.
Yes she knew about Martin as well as have taken share of beatings with me.She was wrong he wasnt hurting me I was hurting myself.Dont worry he is leaving today and would never show his face again.
She looked unsure but nodded.Soon she left and I saw my father entering and said "you are allowed to leave".My lips turned into a grin and I started to get of the hospital bed with two things in my mind REVENGE FROM MARTIN AND FROM ZACH.

Later that night .
I looked towards the clock as it struck two.I stood and get myself ready by wearing rainboots and coat.I wore long gloves and my mask.the hoodie covered my head.I jumped from my window and landed on my feet .
Soon I was infront of his house.I literally had to woke gemm at night to ask him where he lived.I went to the door and rang the bell.The door was himself opened by the asshole Martin .He looked towards me and quirked his eyebrow Do I know you?
Slowly my hand that was back came forward and pushed the kinfe straight into his stomach. A scream came from his mouth but I muffled it with my hands and draged him in the house he was trying to move but I kept strong hold on him.I went for my gun and this have him the oppurtunity as he slammed me to the table and took out the knife throwing it away .I felt a sour taste and it was from my mouth.I went for the gun but I couldn't find it.He moved towards me but was still bleeding badly and threw me to the wall know blood started dripping out of my nose.In a hurry I took out my gun and activated the silencer and started shooting him.He ducked the two but the three went through him and he was on the ground .I picked up the knife and walked toward him as I slitted his throat and both wrists.I took out the bullets as well as placed the knife in a cloth and then placed a second knife covered in his blood in his hand and then went back to the logan residency.

Now it was morning.I looked myself in the mirror there was a bruise on my cheek and near the end of lips.I sighed and look at my stomach and also saw a bruise forming ther as well as on my back.Sure he did hitted hard.I went down for breakfast and took a cup of coffee when I saw all of them staring at me .What?I asked.
Mom looked at me and replied"Sweety what happened to your face .
The lie forced itself from my mouth"I slipped in bathroom and hitted my face on the tub.
"Oh should I take an appointment from the doc ."she asked.
Suddenly her phone rang and she picked it up."Good morning Juilet"my mom spoked .She looked towards me and then spoked "I have to take Ashy to doc so you should come and we will go for shopping after dropping her" and then with a bye she disconnected the call.
"Go get ready I am hearing no excuses" she said leaving no room for argument .
But the last word was always mine so I mocked her "Shopping huh I guess old habits die hard mom" with this I went to my room while my mom glared at me.
Juliet is coming (She is Zachary mom).Okay I smirked evilly towards myself I have finished my target of Martin which only leaves Zach and and I am gonna get him back now.
Sorry guys for updating after long time and also for posting a short chapter .

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