When I Met Death

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As I sat in the evening breeze
Soft, sweet and calming
It crept up and softly
Tapped my shoulder

What are you? I asked.
The dark figure in the robe
Shifted slightly and seemed thoughtful
Before answering

I'm death it whispered softly
I raised an eyebrow and asked,
"Why are you here"
It simply said, "because it's your time"

But I've died a thousand times
I answered calmly
That's not possible, it countered
On the contrary it is, I said

I died when my friend turned traitor
I died when everyone forgot me
I died waiting for my lover
I died when you took my mother

I died when fate messed with me
I died when my heart broke
I died when this world was cruel
I died waiting for you

All those times when I was in pain
All those times I spent alone
All my hopes were in vain
All my dreams had to be slain

It bowed it's head and
there was silence for sometime
Then it spoke again,
And what it said etched into my heart

That, my dear, is not death
It's merely the outcome of life
Death is what people ignore
In fear of what lies after it

I laughed and said,
But I can't seem to fear death
having wished for it for years
And prayed for one thing only

And what is that, it asked me
I looked away towards the setting sun and softly whispered,
what lies after this life of mine may be better

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