tell me [why you do this to me]

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"sir. the note."

he sips on his coffee and sniffs his nose, tired from crying.

the note reads:

" dear taehyung

it's me. the girl who didn't eat. or laugh. but you found a way to love me when no one did. i love you for that. i can never be happy. i'll make you sad. move on and be happy.

i'll always be yours, don't worry. "

sobs leave his mouth and he clutches he coffee cup harder, and he feeling the heats burning his palms a little. "what- what did the other one say?" his breath is shaky and he hates it. he hates being like this.

"sir, i don't think you'd want to know--"


"she wrote that she was going to kill herself. sir, there is a psychiatrist on his way and he will be giving free sessions. it's not your fault."

taehyung leaned on the chair and tried breathing properly but only crying sounds came out with tears.

"i love you." he whispered into the air. and his tears fell.

they'd probably slow down in minutes. hours. days. years. he'd be okay.


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