Note: 4 Years Later.

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Hey, guys. This is a small note addressing a lot of stuff you guys comment in the chapters I can't help but noticing. So I'm going to try to answer and give you my perspective (?), I guess.

First of all, it is crazy this book has more than 3 MILLION reads like whaaat? I am so so so thankful, really. Maybe I do not show it enough but damn, I love you guys. Thank you for supporting this book.

I wrote this book when I was just 14! I'm 19 now and it's so weird for me to read it. Okay, so hear me out: when I was 14, my life wasn't so good, I was living away from my parents and stuff, and I was having some major depressive episodes and this just popped out of nowhere in my brain because I have always struggled with weight and I once felt like my weight will be my failure. Five years later, I can also say that it is false. You and I, we are both beautiful and amazing just the way we are. You don't need a boys validation to be pretty, you are pretty and smart and all good things ever in your own right. I sometimes feel bad reading the comments and I just want to tell you, this shall pass and you will feel better. I'm still here today, and I am so glad I stuck around for this long, even though the world's not going through a good time right now. But now I know I am worthy of living and maybe if I believed that back five years ago, this story would've ended differently. But it is what it is.

Although I am proud of how much this story has achieved, I really do wish I didn't write some parts of it. I do not want to ever romanticise or agree to self harm or suicide. Please talk to someone, anyone, and give yourself a second chance. You have me, at least. I'm rooting for you.

Maybe I will edit and change a few parts but I'm not honestly sure. My writing has drastically changed in over 7 years that I have been on Wattpad. It's crazy! I want to keep this to keep a memory but I feel like you guys deserve better characters. But as long as you know that I am here for you, I hope you just enjoy this story. I hope one day we find someone who loves us the way we are. And don't worry, it doesn't have to be a human, even pets can give you so much love. There are a lot of things to live for, okay?

Also! The cover is not a BTS member because I follow a cover theme which you can understand by checking out my Profile, haha. So don't get too mad at me :p

Much love, Zareen x

My instagram handle is @antizarr if you want to reach out to talk to me! Send me a message or I won't probably understand.

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