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Sometimes, love couldn't be define. Love couldn't be known if you couldn't define, how stupid is that, right? Love is as stupid as me.

Hi! This is me!

Joanna Calustine, who has a sunglasses and that sunglasses make me a weirdo, and always have my style of hairstyle, bun.

I have a friends who named, Taylor Samith, Ashley Marfil, Belle Walter, Therese Thominson, and last but not the least Zenny Williams, they're my classmates since 6th grade and until now, Senior year! Can't you believe it! Friends are friend no one can ruin it.

There was a group of boys and i know that they are very famous! When they are around, gosh! Girls are screaming! And i find out that they are the famous boy band in this city, What famous? But i didn't know them!

They are, Thomas Matilson, Luke Boston, Michael Johnson, Andrew Robert, Kiro Forman and Edward Simons. They say that they are the most handsome guys in the school, like really, they are?

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