Chapter 1

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Hey everyone this is the first story I have written for a while and I hope you like it!

I redid the first chapter because a lot of people thought it was rushed. Hope you like it!


Chapter 1

I ducked, weaved, circled, and blocked his moves, attacking him whenever i found an opening.

He jabbed, I blocked, reverse punching his open side. He anticipated my counter, blocking at the last second. From there, I went for a ridge hand to the head.

He hadent expected my double, and I scored.

“Jun-Bi.” Master Jian, who had been watching our match, said, signalling for us to go to ready position, as Master Chen ran up to us. “We have an unexpected new student from America!” He blurted out, before noticing I was there.

“Master Chen.” I bowed.

“Lilliana” he nodded. I took this as my cue to leave. staying would be rude.

I walked towards my quarters, passing farmiliar buildings, all with traditional chinese architecture. They had red pillars and decorated roofs, making each and every one of them unique and beautiful. 

I rounded the corner and stopped, peeking back to where Master Jian and Chian were talking. From here, I couldnt hear what they were saying, but a moment later they turned and walked away. 

I made a snap second decision to follow them. This was a big deal. Other than me, we had never had any other students from America.

I walked a route paralell to theirs that was seperated by the buildings. 

After the first building, I peeked around the corner and waited until i saw them pass, before following. After the second building, they were nowhere to be seen so i figured they must have gone in. 

The building was one for meditation, a perfect place to hold a private meeting. The walls are extra thick to allow one to concentrate. 

The only way i might have a chance at hearing their conversation is to listen from right under the window, which would be risky since it was still broad daylight. Most people would be practicing now, though, so there shouldnt be too many people out and about. 

I slinked over to the window, which was a couple feet above the ground, and put my ear right below the edge.

Holding my breath, I listened intently and hoped no one saw me. 

"Are you absolutely posotive He is the one?" A voice that I recognised as Master Jian, asked. 

"Yes." What must have been Master Chen, replied.

"Then we must send Him and Lilliana to The Ninjas. They know what to do." Master Jian said, sighing. 

They were sending me away. 

I felt tears well up in my eyes and i had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep them at bay. How could they be sending me away?

"Just because they are Chosen doesnt mean The Ninjas must train them. Lilliana has been training with us for eleven years!" Master Chen said, sounding annoyed. 

We were Chosen? For what? 

I almost sighed, stopping myself at the last moment. This was giving me more questions than answers. 

"You know we must send them. Its for their own good." master Jian replied in a measured tone.

"What- " 

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