Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up with the sun. We rose in unison, taking our time and stretching out lazily- Ouch. Who knew getting trapped in a fire, almost dying, being saved, and going out cold for two days would hurt so much?

Oh right, I did, or at least I did now.

I looked over at Christophe, my savior, who slept peacefully beside me. For the first time, I noticed him, really noticed him. He was picture perfect. His long, dark eyelashes cast long shadows over his high cheekbones. His dark hair looked like he had just walked out of a hair salon, even though he probably hadn’t showered in days. Come to think of it, neither had I and I was covered in ashes.

As if sensing my stare, he rolled over groaning, and opening his eyes.

Squinting a little at the bright light, he said, “Good morning, Sunshine.”

He sat up, wincing a little, and grimacing.

I frowned.

“What’s wrong”

“Nothing” He said, but I knew he was lying. He looked like he was in more pain than I had been in and I was the one who had been out for the last two days and somehow still been riding a horse… I didn’t even want to think about how he pulled that off.

“Don’t lie. Tell me what’s wrong”

In response, he lifted up his shirt a little to show a gash in his side right below his rib cage. It was not pretty.

I must have been grimacing, because he quickly said, “Its not as bad as it looks.”

“I told you not to lie to me.” I scolded. “That’s probably a lot more painful than it looks, and it looks pretty awfully painful.” The cut looked infected, and a lot of the skin around it looked raw.

“Come here” I said motioning him over to where I sat, I coupe feet away from him.

My violin case was beside me and I took, opening it into my lap.

Christophe looked at the violin case, confused, but obediently came to sit in front of me, letting his shirt fall back down to cover the wound.

I took my violin out of my case and removed the velvet insides of the case.

The case was built so that there was space between the shell and the frame that was covered by velvet and made to hold the violin and bow.

In the space, there was a medical kit, some money, duct tape, dried food, a small coil of rope, a flashlight, and some other basic survival materials.

“Lay down.” I said, opening the kit and setting to work cleaning the cut.

“Why was all of that stuff in there?” He asked, sucking in a breath when I hurt him.

“Everyone is required to have an emergency kit in case of an emergency. If anything were to happen, like, say a fire or something, we are supposed to drop everything, take our emergency kit if we can, and get out.”

“I didn’t want to have to leave my violin behind,” I continued, “So I put my emergency kit inside so I would have en excuse to take it with me.”

“That’s smart” he commented.

“What can I say, I’m a smart girl,” I said, smiling.

“Now shut up so I can concentrate.” I said after almost rubbing alcohol on his wound instead of peroxide.

As I worked, I couldn’t help but notice he had abs. I know, in a time like this that’s not what I’m supposed to be thinking about, but hey, I’m a girl.

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