Chapter 8

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Ok this one is a little bit of a filler, but you wonderful people get to see what happened to Chris!!


Chapter 8

Lilliana’s POV.

Christophe looked down. Immediately I knew it was a mistake.

They always say never look down if you are afraid of heights. Why he looked down was a mystery, but I had no time to dwell on it, because Chris shouted,“I feel dizzy.”

This was not good. If he fainted, he would fall. Even if I could somehow reach him and stop him from falling, then we would be stuck in the middle of the bridge with the horse.

Neither situation was ideal.

Thinking fast for another option, I blurted out, “Get onto your horse!”

He must have known that he was going to faint, because he didn’t even bother trying to mount correctly. Instead, he threw himself onto Buttons with his stomach in the saddle.

A moment later he went limp.

Carefully, I made my way to where he was passed out. I urged his horse on, hoping it didn’t decide to bolt. I was surprised it hadn’t already.

I got Buttons over the bridge without difficulty and wondered what to do about Max. I really did not want to have to go over the bridge two more times to get Max, so I decided Id start by calling him and see if that would work.

“Max! Come here Maxi! Good boy come here” I called, clucking my tongue and making kissy noises.

Max stepped tentatively onto the bridge, and made his way over quickly, only bolting off at the last second when a strong gust of wind made it rock.

Overall, that could have been worse, I thought to myself. After all, our guts were still inside our bodies instead of decorating the chasm floor.

I didn’t really know what to do with Christophe. He looked uncomfortable, but how else was I supposed to put him on the horse? Its not like he could really sit up and ride properly, so I decided Id just have to leave him how he was, at least for now.

We rode for about half an hour before I stopped to check on him. I was scared he might slip off his horse because it was bouncing so much.

He seemed to be staying on pretty well but- was that blood?

Red fluid soaked the side of his used-to-be-white Gi top, and flowed down the saddle, staining the saddle pad.

I took him off his horse as gently as I could and set him on the ground, taking off his top to see the wound.

The bandage that I had put on earlier was drenched in blood. When I had put it on, the wound had stopped bleeding.

Taking off the bandage, I saw that the cut was worse than before. The scabs had rubbed off, probably a result of the jostling of the horse’s gait.

On top of that, parts of the saddle had been digging into the wound, deepening it and restarting it’s bleeding.

This was not good. He needed stitches.

With no other option, I got the first aid kit and started.

First, I disinfected it using peroxide. Next, I threaded the needle. Taking a deep breath, I started.

I knew how to sew, but I was no professional. My stitches were a little crooked, but they seemed to do the job. I put thirty stitches in him before redressing it with some healing creams and a bandage.

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