Greetings from the predator

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Tear's POV

I stared at the plain white wall in front of me as I grab hold of my handy silver dagger. For eons my mind was blank. I should be afraid right now since another assassin was sent to get rid of me or take me as a prisoner, but no, I was surprisingly placid, even though I knew they were sending an assassin to kill me.  A few seconds more, I felt the presence coming closer. 

It was dark inside this school's science laboratory. I came here to get a few things from my locker but here I am now. Assassins rarely attack me during the afternoon, knowing that I can see them easily and I'm more hyped up. So, attacking me during this time is a huge shock. Maybe, this assassin is different from those stupid newbies. Interesting.

I gotta 

I command to myself but my body won't move an inch. Why? There's something that tells me not to go just yet. I pressed my back harder on the wall after I heard the door which I came through close. I can feel it. Fleeing is not an option here anymore. I gotta fight. "Tear Onnette. You're a skilled assassin. Why won't you come join us? Having you as a corpse will not benefit anybody!" I heard some glass break. I believe he is smashing the test tubes resting peacefully on the dirty sink.

I gulped. I gripped tighter to my dagger as I start feeling a new emotion. Whatever it is sent shivers down my spine and made my hands tremble. Is this...perhaps, what they call 'fear' ? I flinch every time I hear something break. My instincts screams at me to run for my life because this assassin sent for me is extremely dangerous but still, I breathe deeper and slower at my space. I know that fleeing at a time like this will be my one-way ticket to death and I don't want that. If my instincts says that this guy is dangerous, how would I be able to leave so easily? My high agility may not even stand a chance against this one.

"Why won't you speak Tear? Don't you know that you're popular in our guild, being listed as on of the most wanted marks since 20** and all? Hahaha," I can hear his footsteps growing louder but I can't do anything!

I shrugged off all the cowardliness in me and summoned all the courage I have left. For so many years of running, how dare me be afraid of somebody?! I've escaped before and I can do that all over again. I ran fast to the enemy's direction to give him the hardest stab I could until I found a recorder playing.


I blinked twice before I felt a tranquilizer being injected to my neck. The next second, a creepy guy smiling was right beside me. I can feel the tranquilizer's effect twice than normal and it made my legs grow weaker. My eyelids get heavier as seconds pass. 

I fell to the ground totally defenseless.

Is this the end? After all that I've been through?

I felt the right side of my head hurting from the fall but my attention's focused on the guy crouching in  front of my face. "Well, hello there Tear. I never knew you were so easy to catch. I'm Vance Strokker, nice to meet you. Hahaha," his laugh echoed in my head before my vision turns black.

 A familiar voice is reaching me. I can't really hear it clearly but for some reason it enrages me. That voice, that pitch, that tone makes me lose my sanity. I got a grip of myself and start to stand up slowly.

As I slowly open my eyes I can see blood all over the shadowy floor. I quickly pounced back and see to it that I can't do it this time so I'm going to escape from my target. While on the midair a bloody dagger flies to me. As I imagine it going through my chest I just think instead as fast as I can to evade it. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of me with a familiar smell.

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