Daggers of Destiny

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Cold wind blowing outside my windows that makes me shiver every time it does. I just transfered to this unaccustomed appartment, seems like the people can't stand the humidity here. But it's more different yesterday, I can't shake off the fear of being with my target and everytime I think about it my hands shakes. I wonder what will be his next move after I cured him yesterday. Still thinking all about that, I can't forget about what happened to Grace yesterday. No, I must not leave any trace of it, I can't leave any signs of my weakness. 

I can't help it but unknowingly tears just came out of my eyes. 'Stop, stop you're strong Tear' as the tears continuously flow to my rosy cheeks. I continued to lie to myself and muffle with my pillow. From that night I've been fooling myself and my feelings can't go on this far, it's too much for me not to grieve  from the death of Grace. I realized her death makes me more of a human and it's somehow restoring the way I've been in my childhood days. It kinda hurts but I must move on from her death, it won't be fast but I can't really be going like that for the rest of my life. Got stuff to do at school this day so I must prioritize that first.

As I stand up from my bed I can feel the wind blowing through my shivering body that always remind me of the tenacious blood that taints my hands everytime I hunt. 'I hate you mind for flashing back such scenes!' I whispered to myself as I yawn. Kinda ironic since I'm still a cold hearted killer who kills everyone who try to kill me.

Is the time right? 6:00 AM? 'I've never wake up this early, this should be an opportunity to read new books in the library!'  I thought to myself before I rushed to fix my things and clothes.

'Still got weary eyes, I shouldn't have go this early' as I walk to school while mumbling to myself. 'Brrrr..' I should have brought a jacket too, I forgot the cold breeze that I felt this morning. As my thoughts continue to storm my mind, I unnoticingly bumped with an old guy and looks like we both aren't focused to where we are going. "Sorry!" I almost screamed at him in surprise while I help him pick up his stuffs.

"My,my, aren't you a nice lady? Teenagers like that this day are just few," he remarks as he sway his head up with a comforting smile in his face. I quickly pay it back with a smile too, and I replied with my sweetest tone of 'Thank you'. 'You seem to be kind, for that I can pay your kindness of helping me picking up my things by telling you fortune!'  as he continue to smile at me. I can't reject a sweet old man's offer so I accepted it without any hesitation since it won't hurt to know my fortune. 

'Lady, what do you want to know about you?'  he questioned me. 'About that, I haven't think about  what I want to know' i replied with a crooked smile and hoping he's not disappointed. 'Well I suggest that predicting your lovelife would be the best thing, women love to know what would their lovelife would be.' he suggested to me. He took my hand and take a careful look at it, just like the other fortune tellers that I witness on telling peoples fortune. 'Well I've never seen one like this before.' and followed it up with a chuckle. 'You're going to be like cat and mouse at first.' he predicted and after that I can't furthermore listen to what he is saying. Only those words marked at my mind and I can't think of anything after that. 'Well that's it, you can go now young lady and have a nice day.'  was the only thing I heard and bid farewell to me. 

"You're going to be like cat and mouse at first." as those words repeatedly in cycle in my mind. I wonder who would that guy be? as the thoughts continue to sweep off my attention again.'Oh, I'm already here.'  Focus Tear, you can't be so careless right now since you're not just an- !! *a swift dagger passed*

It's behind me!? I rushed to the Corinthian column of the side part of the school and cover presence. 'That's close good thing it doesn't hit me directly *tsk*, I got hit my calf this would slow me enough for them to kill me.'  It's fatal for an agility dependent like me to get hit in the calf. I started treating it with my handy first aid that I always used to bring. 

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