Make it rain

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*A picture of Tear Onnette on the side >>

I slightly pushed Grace away to break free from her warmth, then I slowly and smoothly took out my dagger from the tied pocket underneath my skirt. Grace's eyes dilated and her hands trembled with the sight of me holding a dagger. She opens and closes her mouth as if she wants to say something but she couldn't form any words. I couldn't blame her, she sees me as an angel after all.

I turned to face the presence I felt. I found a guy wearing a red hoodie which covers half of his face. I believe he did that on purpose so I won't recognize him. He got his hands inside his pockets like he was holding something inside. 

So much for an entrance. I can't let you live. This is how it works.

I could just escape fast. Yes, that's the best way to go but I won't do that with Grace's life at stake. If I let this guy live, Grace and everyone she ever knew will be in danger too. This is a fight where losing is not an option.

"Tear, what are you going t-to do with that dagger?" Grace sounded so afraid. There's no way I can kill this guy in front of her! That's just way impossible! "Put that thing away, I beg of you! That's dangerous!" she pleaded.

I gritted my teeth. I have no choice but to send Grace away first before I could get into action. I face and gave her the coldest stare I could. "Leave us Grace. Now!" I shouted. For this, I'm a very disrespectful child. I sighed at my thoughts before I saw something terrible. 

Within split of seconds, I saw a thin shiny thing hit Grace's neck. If I'm not mistaken, it was a needle but whatever it is sent Grace to peace for eternity. So much blood turned the whole scene into sanguine red. As the droplets of blood pour on me I began to lose my sanity. All I can see now is the guy. The beast who dared hurt innocent people. This is why I hate assassins.

Then, I felt something inside me snap.

I started dismembering every finger of the beast who dared ask me who I am.  After that I began rupturing  every muscle and breaking every bone he has. I'll make him regret that he ever lived. I can't  help but smile with his moan of pain.  It's kind of irritating how his scream pierces my ears so I shut him up through swinging my dagger though his throat. 

Now where did all of the fun go?

I stood up after the torn body parts of the assassin scattered around me. His filthy blood is all over my face but it wasn't something new. This isn't the first time I've done this anyway. I wiped the blood from my eyes. After atrociously getting rid of someone, this feeling is what I hate the most. Unsatisfaction.

I turned my head to the lifeless body of Grace. I should be grieving. Yes, that's right. But why does my heart fail it's function of feeling emotions?

Now that I think about it, I never really knew anything about Grace except that she's kind, motherly and her name is Grace. And the reason why I found out her name was actually because of it being embroidered on her uniform.

'Does she have any kids? Then that means they'll be orphans like me right?' 'Is she even married?' 'What's her favorite food?' 'What about her life?' my mind kept on making questions I could no longer ask. I was waiting for tears to come rolling down my cheeks but nothing roles and my eye doesn't even blink. 

I've experienced this before and that was when my parents are murdered right in front of me. It was tragic, indeed but I was too weak to fight so all they asked me to do was: "Run as fast as you can Tear!", "Survive Tear! You have to!", "You can't trust anybody!Live on!".

I dropped my dagger before slowly walking towards her. I then lowered myself, enough to kiss her forehead. I'm being careful not to let her pure body touch the filthy blood I have on me or neither the merciless hands I was born with. 'Sleep well, Grace'  I tell her as I cover her face with my handkerchief. It's a good thing it didn't have any blood stain on it.

As I idly stood up, the heavens offered me sympathy. The rain started pouring down, wetting my clothes. Every droplet was cold and it somehow made the environment cooler. Just a while ago, it was raining too, but it was with blood.

Maybe, Grace was already in heaven, and she wants to cleanse me through this pouring rain. I looked up at the dark skies, thinking that it's the same as looking at Grace. Even if leaving without going to Grace's funeral is painful, the thought of the need to bury their bodies made me start dashing in the rain. I have to trust the stupid police officers for now. They have to find out the guy's identity and this is the best thing I could do to help.

For now, I have to be realistic and worry about myself. My body is shivering as I pick up speed. The wind blows harder along with my feet. My surroundings already gotten blurry from the speed I was running with since a while ago. However, I'm still certain that I'm heading to my hom- house. I have to pack quick and leave this town. Tonight, safety is likely to be denied. 

Vance's POV

Is this Death? 

I thought to myself after feeling weak even with my mind wide awake. I slowly sat and rub my temple. I can hear the violent blow of the wind and the pouring rain outside. I stood up and immediately placed my hand on the spot where I believe the dagger which should've killed me hit. I stared at my hand for a minute in surprisement. 

I-I'm still alive?!

I guess my body was strong enough for the poison. Tsk. Just wait for me Tear. I'm gonna get back at you for leaving me here to die. The next time I see you, I'll make sure to take your breath eternally without hesitation.

You'll feel sorry. You should've killed me Tear. You should've been smart enough to know that.

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