Part 4 Too much

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I was listening in on them as they were whispering to one another about what they should do about all of this now that I knew everything about them and with there father still not knowing about me being here right now one of them would have to tell him about me and right now they wanted it to be Mikey making me hate this so much as it was me who was here so it would be best if I went to present myself to there father. As they weren't looking over to me I moved from the couch to what looked like to be some japanese room as they were looking at it quite a lot as it made me understand that there father was in there right now, when I got there I opened the door just a little bit to see a giant rat there with his eyes closed as I remember that there father used to be human before mutating into a giant rat "I know you are there so enter" he said making me look back to them as they haven't even notice me yet so I opened the door more to get inside before closing it behind me.

When I turned back to him he was already at my side almost making me jump from the sudden change he did as he bent down to my side "My sons have done well with helping you but they didn't do well with hiding you from me" he said as he touched the bandages on my head making me look at him with a smile "I'm Jasmine Lessard" I said in a happy greeting to him making him nod back to me with a smile "It is an honor at finally meeting you for my sons keep talking about you when they believe I do not hear them" he said before walking with me to the giant tree that was inside the lair making me surprised at seing it as I went over to touch it like I do since I was little while I felt the feeling to climb it like back then only to stop as this wasn't my home so I decided against it in the end.

We started to talk about his past when he was still human back then before I spoke about something similar to what he was telling me before he went back to his story as it amazed me so much that it was amazing since it was like a story from a book you could find in stores right now making me wanted to know more about him as he spoke making him smile that I was so interested in him "Sensei I need to.... Jas what are you doing here?" Mikey asked as he walked in with his brothers right after he said my name. It was funny to see them watching us as we were talking that there father said something in japanese making them sit behind him making me confused at this all of a sudden change in atmosphere "As you know my sons and I hide in the shadows for we would never be respected out on the surface during the day like this, but with my son Donatello's invention we can with there friends and now you know about us and must keep it a secret from others" he explained to me as I nodded to him.

When he let's us leave Mikey came over to me to show me the who lair as I haven't seen it much other then what I saw when I woke up making him have a lot to show me while I was curious about all of it right now since there was so much to know about them right now while also getting to know the real them better. when he was done it was getting late and it was for the best if I got going home right now for the night only for Don to stop me "I need to make sure that your head injury dosen't get worse so it's for the better if you stay here for a few days and call in sick" he said making me sigh as I went to the cot he placed me on to get some sleep for now as I think of an excuse to tell the school that I wont be coming in tomorrow.

As I slept I felt a few pair of eyes watching me as it makes me turn in my sleep before the eyes left me to let me sleep again alone before a furry hand pets my head "You may now rest in peace my dear" I heard master Splinter say to me before I drifted back to sleep for the rest of the night where I dream of a few things I like the most. when I woke up the next day I took my phone out to call the school to tell them I wont be here today "Yes that's right the doctor said that it should be best if I stay home for a few days until i'm fully ready from my head injury" I said before listening to what the secretary had to say before saying my goodbyes and hang up before getting off the cot to get something to eat right now as I was hungry right now making me go to the kitchen to see that the others weren't there right now so I take a look around to see what they had so I could make something to eat.

I looked around to find a few things that went bad making me wonder if they ever get sick from eating things like that but I was able to find some things that were good to use to make something to eat with it which was pancakes as it was the only thing I could make with all of this right now "You are quiet focused right now in making breakfast" master Splinter said making me turn to him as I was mixing the batter to make it ready to be cooked for all of us to eat together and enjoy. I started to pour an amount on the heated pan to cook it before turning to him "It's something that I do when i'm doing something sometimes and it's mostly at random times for random things like reading, playing a game, listening to music" I explained as he nods before going to make himself some tea to drink as he watches me cook for us all "Is this the first time you cook for more then yourself?" he asked me as I placed the first pancake on the big plate as I already settled up the table for us "Well yes actually since most of the time I make something for myself" I said as I got back to work.

It was quiet rare for me to cook for others and I was never doing it on my 100% but right now I was and it was making me smile even more since I was done and got to work on cleaning the dishes with my hands and what they had as I saw that there was no washing machine around here making me wonder if they even had one around here. Right when I sat down the four boys now in human form came out of there rooms to eat with us making me smile a little bit as they saw the food "Did someone order this?" Raph asked as he and the other three sat down to eat "Jasmine made this with what we have" their father said as I took a bit of my food making them look at me as we ate together before they would need to leave for school "Don't worry if we have a class with you we can take notes for you and bring you back your homework!" Mikey cheered out to me before they said bye and left for school leaving me here to do something that I could find fun for me right now.

Well guess i'm stuck in the lair until doctor Don says so. What should I do in the next chapter? We can find out next time!

PAL out!

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