September 30th, 2005

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Donna Keppel, a fourteen year old freshman at the high school, was confused as she groggily sat up, blinking as she tried to figure out what was going on. It took her a few minutes to realize where she was, something that, once she did, fear began to course through her. She was on a bed in the house of her science teacher, Mr. Fenton.

I'm not supposed to be here she thought, looking around. Her and her friend, Lisa Hines, had made plans to go see a movie this very day, but those plans had fallen wayward due to the fact that Lisa was sick, and Donna had failed her last science test, needing tutoring so that it didn't happen again.

It was this fact that had ended up being a catalyst for her being where she was. The tutoring session had gone on pretty late, half an hour longer than it was supposed to, and she'd been unable to walk home because of the rain that had started up while in class. She also hadn't been able to call anyone - Mrs. Hines was taking care of Lisa, Clair and her mother had gone shopping, and her own mother was on another business trip with her father.

The original plan was that she'd go over to Lisa's house after the movie, but with her friend sick, that wasn't what was going to happen now. Instead, she'd go home, staying there alone. It wouldn't be the first time - she kind of like the empty house, not having to deal with her brother one bit, and being able to watch whatever she wanted.

However, she hadn't been looking forward to the walk in the rain, and had, something she was now thinking was quite stupid of her to do, accepted the invitation for him to drive her home. Even worse, in her opinion, was the fact that not only had the parking lot been completely empty - and the school to poor for cameras - but that she'd gone against every instinct in her body, just for a safe and warm ride home.

Since meeting him at the beginning of school, Fenton had sent off alarms that there was something...bad about him, something that made her want to stay as far from him as she possibly could. Plus, the fact was that he seemed unnaturally interested in her, to the point that even Lisa and her other best friend Claire Blatz noticed, often teasing her about it.

However, at that point, she let the want of not feeling like a drowned cat control her more than her instincts, and had accepted the ride to her house. He's a teacher, he won't do anything bad to me was her thought as she got into his truck. At first, everything seemed to be going all right - had had headed in the right direction, after all. But then he'd pulled up to a stop in a rather secluded house - his house, he mentioned to her when she asked where they were.

According to him, he was planning on leaving to go somewhere that day, and, being a bit late, he was stopping to get his things, planning heading straight to where he was going once he dropped her off. It was an easy explanation to except - he was already running a little late thanks to her, in a way, since she'd been waiting, wondering what to do, and he hadn't been able to leave because she was his responsibility.

However, the warning bells should have begun to go off when he offer to let her come inside, stating that it might take a while for him to get his bags - he hadn't packed yet. In truth, they did go off, but she'd stupidly ignored them, and accepted his offer, following him inside the house after he'd opened the door for her - apparently, it was a bit broken in that the inside handle didn't work all that well. He'd gone off towards the kitchen, asking if she'd wanted something to drink, coming back and handing it to her on his way up the stairs.

Rather thirsty, she'd gulped the water down rather quickly, setting the glass down on the table right next to the door while wondering into the living room. She knew that she'd made a mistake in taking the drink moments later, when her vision began to swim in front of her. She stumbled towards in the direction of the front door, knowing that there was no way it was accidental that she was suddenly drugged, and wanting to get out of there.

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