November 11th, 2005

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Donna hurriedly walked towards the door of the class, hoping that Mr. Fenton wouldn't call her to stay after class, as he had done the last few days. After all, what with the fact that her parents were home for the month, it had been hard for him to sneak over, as he'd done every night since she learned that he had a way into her house, through the fact that he'd, unknowingly to her, copied her keys that night he'd drugged her, before he'd raped her.

Ever since she'd discovered him in her house that one day, there wasn't a night that went by when he didn't come over, sometimes for sex - upon which she'd grown used to, no longer crying or scrubbing her skin raw, in reaction - and sometimes to just lie by her. It was, strangely enough, those times that he would just lie next to her and sleep that terrified her more than the nights he wanted to have her.

"Miss Keppel, please come here," she heard him say, just as she was about to walk through the door. She saw Lisa give her a strange look, as if wondering what exactly Mr. Fenton could want with her, and she replied with a grimace, trying not to show her terror at having to stay.

She had the feeling that she hadn't succeeded, not that it really mattered. Walking towards his desk as the last of the students left - none of them concerned about anything other than what they would be doing that weekend, and if so and so wanted to go see this movie - she wondered what he wanted.

She doubted that he'd want sex - he had a policy of no intercourse when they were at the school, though that didn't stop him from touching her, or him having her touch him, among other things. In fact, the last time he'd did this - nine days ago - he had her on her knees while pleasuring him with her mouth. She'd barely made it to the girl's bathroom before she'd thrown up after that, though, like with sex, she was beginning to get used to it now that he also made it apart of his routine when he came for her at her house.

When the last student had left, and the door closed, she couldn't help but shudder as he came towards her, backing her against the wall with his movements. Not the for the last time, as his hands busied themselves with gliding over her body, she wished that something would happen that would stop what he was going to do.

Meanwhile, Lisa, concerned with her best friend, debated on whether she should interrupt whatever the reason for Mr. Fenton calling Donna back into the classroom or go get another teacher. She was leaning more towards the latter over the former, as she could feel that there was something wrong,.

It had been a game when she and Claire had joked about Mr. Fenton having a crush on Donna because he seemed to stare at her and stay around her the most during class. But now... Lisa shivered a bit. Donna had usually taken the comments with denial, laughing at them. But, just yesterday, when they did it again, Donna had gone pale, stuttered her denial out, and run off before any questions could be asked. More than that, when Lisa studied her in class after that, she had noticed that Donna seemed almost...afraid of Mr. Fenton.

And then there was the look on Mr. Fenton's face the last few weeks, something that she had only really noticed yesterday but could admit that it had been on his face for a few weeks, even if she'd ignored it. It was a look of satisfaction, lust, and possession whenever he looked towards Donna. There were quite a few signs that there was something going on that, before, she was ignoring. Now, however, she wasn't able to do that anymore.

Taking another glance towards the door, she headed towards the teacher's lounge. She had a bad feeling about what was going on behind that door, and she really didn't want to face it alone.

Mrs. Winters had been a coach and PE teacher at the high school for six years. Before that, she'd worked as a social worker, one who specialized in getting kids and teens to to tell her things so that she may know if a they were being mistreated - or, as rare as it was, if someone they knew was being mistreated. It was a talent that had been carried over, making her rather popular among the students at the school, for most of them felt as if they could talk to her.

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