Chapter 7

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I woke up and sat up WAY too fast. My vision started blacking out and I had to hold on to the couch to steady myself. God I hated that. Elizabeth was still sleeping, so I decided to get up and leave her to rest (because I'm just so nice). I walked into the kitchen to check the clock. 8:00?! Damn, I'm up early! Well, no use in trying to get back to sleep now. I went over to the fridge to grab some breakfast.

"Someone's up early."

I turned around to see Zayn sitting at one of the counters, "Look who's talking," I said.

"I couldn't sleep," he explained.

"Oh? Why's that?" I asked carefully. I didn't like when Zayn was civilized to me, it made me uneasy.

"I'm not sure, actually. Just couldn't get comfortable," he said, shrugging.

"That's unfortunate," I said, "I hope you're not too tired."

"I'm fine," he said, "I've been better, but Im fine."

I nodded, "That's good."

We stood there awkwardly for some time before I blurted, "Why did you stop calling me Amanda?" I wasn't sure why I asked it. It just happened to be the first thing that came to mind.g

Zayn scratched the back of his neck, "I don't know, really. I just, uh, stopped, I guess."

"Oh, well, thanks," I said with a small smile, "That was.... good of you."

Zayn smiled awkwardly before getting up, "I should probably go back to bed. See if I can fit in some sleep."

"Okay, well, see ya later?" I said.

"Um, yeah," Zayn said before going back upstairs.

'Well that was awkward,' I thought as I poured myself some cereal. I couldn't understand why things were so awkward between us. I got along with everyone else in the band, why not Zayn? I contemplated this for some time before my phone blipped, alerting me of a text.

'hey beautiful, you up? ;)' It was Nick.

I texted back immediately 'yeah, what's up?'

'just wondering if we could hang out today' he said.

'sure, when?'

'pick u up at 12:00?' he asked.

'see u then'  I shut off my phone just as Elizabeth walked into the kitchen.

"Who are you texting?" she asked, grabbing a bowl of cereal.

"Nick," I said, "He's going to take me somewhere today."

"Oh, cool," she said, "Do you know where?"

"No, I didn't ask," I said.

"Well all I can say is you're lucky I'm cool with this whole 'dating my brother' thing."

I hadn't really thought about, to be honest. It was true, though. Most girls wouldn't be as supportive as Elizabeth when it came to this sort of thing, "You're right," I said, "Thanks for being so good about it."

"No problem," she said.

At that moment, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn entered the kitchen.

"How are you all up at the same time?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Liam pointed to Louis, "Ask him," he said.

Louis grinned, "I decided today was the day I would become our personal alarm clock!" he said proudly.

I laughed, "And I assume everyone wasn't so impressed?"

"Yeah," Louis said, "Some people just cannot appreciate the art of alarm-clocking."

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