Chapter 12

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The next morning, I went downstairs to find out that I was dating Zayn Malik.

"Is Mandi Payne trying to get in on her brother's fame? Paparazzi spotted the young girl and Zayn Malik yesterday as they shared a romantic day at the beach."

I stared at the screen in disbelief as they showed pictures of Zayn helping me out of the car, Zayn hugging me, Zayn talking to me.

"What the hell is this?!" I said.

"That is what many like to call a RUMOR, Mandi," Zayn said calmly.

"And you don't care that they're lying their asses off?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Not really," he answered.

"Seriously? You could just CARE LESS about people thinking we're dating?" I asked angrily.

"It's not like it's the first time it's happened," Zayn continued, "In fact, you should probably be flattered someone actually thought I'd date you."

"Fuck you, Malik!" I shot at him angrily.

"Ouch. That really hurt, Mandi," he said sarcastically, clutching his chest.

I let out an angry sigh and stomped back upstairs. God I hated the paps. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? I checked my phone to find several texts from people saying stuff like, "You don't deserve him," and, "You're an ugly whore."

'Well that's just lovely,' I thought

Just as I was getting ready to chuck my phone at the wall, Liam called.

"Mandi!! Come downstairs!!!!"

I sighed and went downstairs. Standing in the hallway, looking way less than pleased, was Nick. Fuck.

"Hey," I said, trying to keep my voice light. This was not going to be fun.

"Hi," Nick said courtly making me flinch.

"I'm sorry, Nick, I really am," I said, silently pleading for him to understand. He couldn't be angry at me for something I didn't do.

"Prove it," he said coldly.

"PROVE it?! How the hell do I do that?!" I argued, "It's not like I asked for this to happen!"

"Why's everyone yelling?" Zayn asked, walking into the foyer and then, "Oh. It's you."

Nick didn't take his attention off me, "If I have to compete with HIM every time we're together I-"

I cut in, "Wait! THAT'S why you're angry?! You're JEALOUS?!" I yelled. 

Zayn smirked, "Awww... Lover boy's not up to the challenge?" he asked.

Nick took a step towards him, "What's that?" he asked, towering over him.

Zayn didn't miss a beat, "You heard."

I stood between them, "Guys, stop it," I said.

Nick backed off reluctantly, "Can we talk?" he asked me suddenly, "Alone?"


Once we were in private (well, as private as it gets when you're living with five other people), Nick turned to me, "Do you love me?" he asked.

I was a little surprised by his question. I mean, it's not the first thing you expect to hear when your fighting with someone. Not only that, but I didn't really know the answer. I liked Nick, that was true, but did I love him. I realized I was taking way too long to answer and decided to say, "You know I care about you, Nick."

Nick sighed as if he'd expected my answer, "But you don't love me."

"That's not what I'm saying," I said, trying to find the right words, "I like you, I really do, it's just.... I don't know if I'm in love yet. I don't want to loose you, Nick."

"Then be my girlfriend," he said.

"What?" I asked. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

"I... Erm... Uh..." I stuttered. I wasn't at all used to this kind of thing. Sure, I'd dated before, but never anything serious. Did I even know what being serious was like?

"Hey... Earth to Mandi...?" Nick said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh, um, sorry," I said, "I would.... love to be your girlfriend."

Nick instantly engulfed me in a gigantic hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you," he said, "You have no idea how happy this makes me."

I smiled and hugged back, "Oh, I have a pretty good idea."

Nick kissed me sweetly, "Well, I'd love to stay, but unfortunately, I have to go to work and leave my beautiful girlfriend behind," he said, "Text you later?"

"Yeah, definitely," I said, waving goodbye.

Nick left and I decided to finally dispel the rumors of 'Zandi'. I picked up my phone and typed.

'just so people know, i'm not dating zayn. i'm already in a happy relationship with my boyfriend ♥'

That should do it. I smiled to myself and went back downstairs to see what was going on.

"Hey, Mandi," Elizabeth said, "I hope you don't mind, Niall invited me."

"Of course not," I said, "Feel free to come whenever you want."

"Hi, Mandi! Remember me?" Izzy asked running into the room.

"Oh, I'm also babysitting Iz," Elizabeth explained.

"Uh huh," I said before turning back to Izzy, "Of course I remember you! Have you met everybody yet?"

"Yep," Izzy said happily.

"That's good," I said, "Im still your favorite though, right?"

"Mmmm... Maybe," she said, giggling.

"Oh, come on! Who could be better than me?" I asked.

"I'm just kidding!" she said laughing. Aws!

"Hey, Iz," Elizabeth said, "Why don't you go somewhere else so I can talk to Mandi, 'kay?"

"Okay," Izzy said before running off.

"So can someone please explain to me what the heck is going on with your love life?" she asked.

"I'm not dating Zayn," I assured her.

"Okay, good because, last time I checked, I was pretty sure you two hated each other," she said.

"And we still do," I stated.

"Okay, is there anything else I need to be caught up on, then?" she asked.

"Nick asked me to be his girlfriend," I said casually.

"What? When? What did you say?" she asked excitedly.

"Just now and what do you think I said?"

"That's great for you guys," Elizabeth said, showing her support. She really was one if the greatest friends out there.

"Thanks," I said, "Hey, maybe now we can double date?"

I didn't totally mean it, but Elizabeth seemed to like the idea, "Oh my God we SHOULD!" she said, "I don't care what you say, I'm planning this."

I laughed, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, why not?" she asked.

"Okay," I said, "But I choose the restaurant."


Things were really starting to go well. Elizabeth was happy with Niall, I was happy with Nick, even the paps were starting to leave us alone. Nick and I texted back and forth all that night. Nick loved calling me his girlfriend and I liked being called his girlfriend.

It was already past midnight before I had fallen completely asleep.

(Picture of Izzy above.)

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