Chapter 18

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I woke up freakishly early the next morning and decided to get something to eat. I went downstairs where I found Niall and Zayn sitting silently and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

"You guys up early too?" I asked, eating my breakfast. Both bandmates looked at each other and back at me.

"Where were you last night?" Niall asked suddenly.

"Nowhere," I responded. I don't know why I felt the need to avoid answering, embarrassment maybe. Either way, I didn't want to tell either of them where I actually was.

"You weren't here though," Niall said, questioningly.

"Uh, yeah, I was out," I said suspiciously, "Why do you care?"

Zayn stood up and slammed his fist on the counter "Maybe because you LIED TO ME!"

"What are you talking about?!" I said,

"I didn't lie to you!" technically, I didn't lie. I just avoided the truth.

"You said you and Nick were done!" Zayn said anger written clear across his face.

"We are!" I yelled, getting angry. "Than what the hell is THIS?! Why don't you explain that!" Zayn shoved a newspaper in my face. And stomped off.

I frowned in confusion and looked down at the front page. It read:

"Insiders snapped photos of Mandi Payne and her alleged ex sharing a romantic moment last night. After sources confirming her break up with the 21 year old, the two were found at his apartment sharing an intimate moment together. Can someone say makeup sex?"

I cringed and looked at the picture of me and Nick. I instantly knew where it was from and took a huge sigh of relief. It was all a huge misunderstanding, Zayn would obviously see that once I explain it to him. I looked up at Niall, "Niall, you don't under-"

Niall shook his head, "I don't want to hear it, Mandi," and before I could stop him, he walked off too.

"Great start to the day," I muttered as Louis, Harry, and Liam walked in.

"What's up with them?" asked Louis, shaking his head. "Yeah, I herd yelling. What's up?" Liam added.

"It's nothing," I lied, "They're probably just tired or something." Everyone nodded in agreement and continued in their usual schedule. I, on the other hand, needed to fix things with Zayn.


"Hi, Zayn," I said, creaking open his door.

"What do you want," he snapped. I took a deep breath and willed myself not to react. I couldn't screw this up, I needed to explain my side of the story.

"I think you've misunderstood that picture...." I started calmly.

"It seems pretty clear to me," he said, all cold and guarded.

"What?" I asked, keeping my voice neutral, as if talking to a frightened animal.

"You got what you wanted from me and then you went running back I him."

"I'm sorry, what?" I snapped.

"Oh, it's pretty clear," Zayn said, raising his voice, "After you fucked me you decided that wasn't enough so you went and fucked him too! Who knows who else! You know why, Mandi?! Because you. Are. A. Slut."

"WHAT did you just call my sister?" We both turned around. Liam stood behind me, looking pissed as hell. Niall, Louis, and Harry had come to stand behind him.

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