One Shot: A Kaylor Christmas

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Snow danced playfully around the busy New York streets below as Taylor struggled to reach a nail on the wall of her apartment. It was Christmas Eve and she was finally able to decorate. Except for the fact that she couldn't reach where she needed to hang the lights.

"Uh, ugh! I can't reach this!" Taylor grunted as she jumped and stood as tall as she could. Laughter rose from behind her and came closer and closer. Within seconds a tall blonde girl was taking the string of lights from the singers hands and easily placing them along the wall. "That's not fair Karlie you're tall." Taylor said crossing her arms.

Another laugh came from the model as she continues to place the long string of lights along the apartment. "You're just mad you're not able to do it yourself." Karlie responded. "I could but you won't let me use the stepping ladder." Taylor said sarcastically. Karlie simply stuck her tongue out. "Why did we even wait this long anyway?" Karlie asked as she finished placing the lights on the last nail and plugging them in. "Neither of us were home together. It's our first Christmas grinch." Taylor laughed.

Karlie turned around giving Taylor a confused look. "It's our second?" She chuckled. Taylor walked up hugging the model tight and close, "No, last year we couldn't be together like this. So first Christmas." She smiled. "Whatever you say Swift." Karlie said as she kissed Taylor sweetly.

Taylor's NYC apartment finally looked festive. A long string of white lights surrounded the open space downstairs while they wrapped more lights around the railing of her stairs. Karlie was placing garland along the fireplace and hanging a few gold bulbs from it when she heard Taylor. "HEAVY! Box. Ouch. Heavy. Help!" Taylor yelled from a distance. Turning around quickly she saw Taylor coming up behind her with another vast box full of decorations.

"Taylor!" Karlie laughed as she grabbed the box from her girlfriends arms. "Ugh. So heavy, you saved my life." Taylor joked slightly rubbing her arms. "Maybe you should come to the gym more." Karlie poked. "Maybe you should come to the gym more, nope." Taylor mocked.

The younger girl shook her head and turned her attention back to decorating the fireplace. A mere four hours before they had decorated the large tree they bought and she smiled proudly, admiring the good work they did. When she finally finished the fireplace it looked perfect. Karlie wrapped the garland in more lights and hung a few golden bulbs from them. Next she took sticky tack Taylor had bought and some plastic hooks to hang the stockings.

Taylor had begun unloading the heavy box of more decorations. Wreaths, fake
snowflakes, bells and much more. She had been in and out of the living room taking decorations to the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. All while humming along to the various Christmas songs radiating throughout the apartment. As much as Karlie didn't like decorating late, she loved seeing Taylor like this.


"Tay? I can smell the cookies I think they're done now." Karlie called from the living room as she searched the box for their stockings. We put them back in here last year? Where are they? She heard Taylor taking the cookies out of the oven, while also hearing a "ouch!" Running into the kitchen there was Taylor holding her hand tightly. "Babe, you seriously burned yourself?" Karlie sighed crossing the room to help.

"I forgot the pan was hot. I was too excited about Christmas." Taylor mumbled as she let Karlie take her hand and put it in a dish she had filled with milk. "Keep your hand here for a minute okay?" Karlie directed as she kissed Taylor's temple and returned to the oven to finish taking the cookies out and put them on cooling sheets.

Once she finished that she came back over to finish addressing Taylor's hand. Luckily the cool milk would prevent any serious blistering. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Taylor starring at her, something the older girl did often. "Would you stop looking at me like that?" Karlie laughed nervously. "You're just beautiful, and I love you." Taylor responded calmly. "I love you too." Karlie said.

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