Somethings Can't be Unseen

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 I pull back from Beckham saying nothing at all. For a while we just stand there. It almost seems as if we are frozen in time. His dirty blond hair blows softly in the wind and I reach up to fix it. He just stares in to my eyes. I wish I could read his mind. I wish I knew what he was thinking.

Just then a bell rings and Zahara steps out of the building. Reality seems to resume and I can now see that we are still standing in the think and hot rain.

“What is taking you guys so long?” Zahara asks.

She is absolutely oblivious to how close Beckham and I are standing. I step back and head towards the car. Zahara and Beckham follow. The rain has never been something that Zahara enjoyed driving so for a minute we just sit there. No one says a word. But what are we supposed to say. What should I say? So many things are going through my head. I don’t like Beckham that way.  I like Jasper, that is the reason I came here is that so I could find him.

Eventually the rain lets up and Zahara starts the car. Beckham leans over to the front and tells Zahara how to get back to his grandmother’s house. I glance at the clock, it is almost midnight. When we pull up to Alette‘s I notice that the door has been replaced. Zahara parks the car and we walk inside the house. Alette and Delphia are sitting on the couch having a quiet conversation about the door. Alette, who is now in her night gown, looks up at us.

“Well there you are! I was beginning to get worried about you two. Who is your new friend?” Alette asks.

“Oh grandma this is Zahara. Can she stay the night with us?” Beckham asks.

“Well certainly! Let me show you your rooms.” Alette says.

For such a small house on the outside, it sure is big inside. Each of us get our own room. My room has one winds, a bed with pink sheets, a closet and a computer with a desk.

“Thank you for our rooms Alette.” I say.

“Oh you’re very welcome dear,” Alette says. “All I ask is that you close the door when you go to bed. No opening it until morning.”

This was an odd request but before I can ask why, Alette goes off into her room. I slip under the covers and try to sleep. Today sure has been one crazy ride. After about three hours of laying in silence, with no hope of sleep, I get up to use the rest room. On my way down the hall I notice that Zahara’s door is open. Being the curious person I am I slowly step inside to check on her. It is pitch black and I can’t see a thing so I feel around the wall for a switch but I can’t find one. So I continue to walk around the wall to find the switch. After about two or three steps I step in something warm and sticky. Then I feel the light switch. I turn on the lights and at the exact same moment I wish I left the light off. Then I let out a loud scream.

*** Hello lovely followers. So sorry for how short this chapter is. I recently got a twitter and I havent had much time for other thngs. But now that it is summer time I can focus a little bit more on my writing!

If you wan to follow me on twitter just privite message me or whatever. I would really really love feed back from you readers so please comment. You can tell me whatever, you dont have to like my story. Tell me what you want me to change or add. thanks guys :)

So what do you think Darci saw in Zahara's room? put your theroys below :) xoxo You are all golden.

P.s for followers that i have had for a while, yes I did change my Username. Dont be scared. It is still me :)***

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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