Favorite Song

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Luke rounded up his church people and left the hotel with red cheeks almost like Santa's because of Michael.

He was so cocky and smug yet adorable somehow.

Luke knew he seemed familiar but he couldn't place his finger on where.

They got in the mini van that the Hemmings' rented and Luke asked them if they had any place in particular they'd like to go.

(A/N: idk if Cleveland has lakes but can we pretend)

One woman said the lake, that they'd like to see the water and have a small prayer session next to it.

Luke said okay and began the long drive.

The people were bubbling with excitement and the little kids were bouncing in their seats as the adults chattered and laughed.

They tried to include Luke in the conversation but he gave short answers to their questions so they assumed he wanted to focus on driving.

"Hey Luke, do you think we got stop for some snacks and use the restroom real quick?" One of the ladies, Marie asked.

"Yeah, of course. I think there's a restaurant close by," Luke lied.

He didn't know if there was food or toilets in this part of the road but lied anyways because he panicked.

To his relief, there was a fairly big restaurant with only a little people in it so he decided to pull there and stop.

The people waited for him to unlock the van before fleeing, some heading straight to the restrooms, others starting to line up at the counter and only a select few chose to wait for him to get out and lock the vehicle.

They began walking in silence, the only sound being the crunching of the pebbles by their feet.

Only when Luke walked in he noticed that people that were in or around the restaurant were actually holding cameras or some equipment.

And that there was actually no one at the counter the group was lined up at.

He was about to tell everyone that they could try another place when a voice called his name.

"Luke! Dude, what're doing here?" Ashton said smiling at Luke and putting down his camera.

"Uh, I wanted food," he said awkwardly

"No shït, this is a restaurant after all," Ashton said but his smile gave away the fact that he was joking

"Alright, let's call a break," Ashton said and immediately everyone put their equipment down and began talking and walking away from the main star, a lady who seemed like the manager.

"Hello, we are close at the moment," she said coming towards Luke.

"Oh," he said embarrassed. This was happening in front  of the group and he was stuttering like an idiot.

"Hey Luke man!" Another voice said an he saw Michael waking up to him.

"Did you get it in?" Mikey asked loving the way Luke's cheeks flushed pink at the mention of the dīldo.

"No," Luke said abruptly.

"Seems likes they're busy here, we can go somewhere else," Luke said telling the group who were now gathered in one place watching him with curious eyes.

"What? There's no need to go, I can make y'all some sandwiches, on the house," Michael offered not waiting for a response wrote he headed into the kitchen but Luke followed him.

"But you're closed. Do you even work here?" Luke protested

"No you idiot, I felt like being a rebel and breaking into the kitchen for food," Mikey rolled his eyes as he took the bread out.

Luke remained frozen by the door.

"That does seem like something you'd do," he remarked

"Already making assumptions of me?" Mikey asked cocking an eyebrow at Luke.

Luke blushed an stuttered, "No I mean, it sounds like something you'd do,"

"Whatever Lucas," Michael smiled continuing to make sandwiches.

"How many do you need?"

"Around 16," Luke replied

"I'll give you 20 just in case," Mikey said and it was silent as he finished the food and wrapped it up.

"Okay thanks," Luke said awkwardly

"No need to be awkward Lukey, let's be friends," Mikey said


"Yeah, give me your number," Mikey smiled.

It was something about Luke that drove Mikey to give him his number. He could never take such a risk because anyone could have leaked his digits and creeps would be calling him all the time.

But somehow, Michael trusted Luke.

Luke didn't exactly feel the same way as he hesitantly handed his phone over for Mikey to put his number in

After the process, they said goodbye and Luke took the sandwiches and restarted his journey to the lake.


They were almost by the lake.

Two minutes away and Luke was so excited to just get there.

He was sick of driving and the constant talk that filled the background of the van.

"And now let's hear from local superstar, Michael Clifford!" The announcer said and Luke almost mashed the brakes.

Did he say Michael Clifford? As in the one who just made Luke sandwiches and offered him his phone number? Michael Clifford as in the one who offered to 'help' Luke?

But he knew it was Michael the minute the voice stated singing. It was raspy yet smooth just like how Michael speaks.

His voice made Luke's heartbeat skip a beat and suddenly he knew that this was his favorite song.

I tried to make it long but things pick up from here when Luke and Mikey keep meeting and I'm so excited

Anyways vote and comment please : ))

chapter goal: 3 votes and 1 comment

Do you think we can do that?

And happy holidays 🎁

Byeeee 💕

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